描写妈妈的作文如何写?( 三 )
She’s a math teacher with a special sense of numbers.When we went for shopping, she could quickly figure out which was better as well as cheaper.But sometimes she wouldn’t be so clear of how much money she had spent on my leons.It doesn’t matter I truly put her on a pedestal in my childhood.Just as most teenagers, I used to trap in the so-called adolescent agonies.That time I was in my last year of high school, however, I began to be obseed with series, movies and stars.She often talked to me but I didn’t take her words seriously.There was a time a cold war between us.After an exam, of course my marks seemed such a me, but she said nothing when saw my report card.Later I found she was in her room checking my papers carefully, most of time my answers raised her eyebrows and sometimes she would take some notes.Her back was thin and lonely, suddenly It struck me that I was so childish and it was time to act like a adult.
Last year, it was freezing cold outside and I bought her a pair of gloves.As she received the parcel, she was so excitedly and gave a phone call, told me that how much she fond of these gloves and her friends would like to buy another pair, too.At that moment, she was happy as a child and I could imagine her face was brightened.I discovered that I had mied many of her big moments in her life.In my mind, my mum has always been my heroine.She knows about everything and could get everything properly done, but I forgot she used to be a girl just like me.Maybe I should find this earlier so I can learn a little bit more about her.
我有一个粗心的妈妈,她经常使我和爸爸哭笑不得 。
有一次,爸爸让妈妈烧一壶水 。妈妈一边看书,一边把凉水放在炉子上,又继续回房看书去了 。
一会儿,她又捧着书出来了,把水倒入热水壶里 。
爸爸喝茶时发现水不冒热气,原来妈妈根本没点燃煤气炉子,就把凉水倒入热水壶里了 。
你瞧,我的妈妈有多粗心 。
妈妈对我的爱是伟大的,无微不至的 。为了我能好好的发展,付出一切 。
这样的事例是数也数不清的 。比如:有一次我着了凉得了感冒,那时正在下雨,您冒着雨,向医院奔去 。而您却将我揽在您温暖的怀抱中,到了医院,您将我 安排给了医生,自己坐在板凳上,脸上露出了难受的表情 。那时,我看见您满身都是雨滴,不停地往下掉 。您因为我能及时的医治,自己却着了凉,也感冒了 。那时 我十分后悔,为什么我要感冒?结果妈妈也跟着感冒了 。过后,我问妈妈:“您那时为什么要这样呢?”“因为我爱你!”妈妈笑眯眯的答道 。我那时还小,不懂得 什么意思,现在我知道了妈妈那是为什么要这样做了:是伟大的母爱支撑着她 。
母爱是伟大的,也是无私的 。
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