
暑假我阅读了《文字商人》 , 虽然这篇小说不长 , 其中也蕴含很多道理 。
《文字商人》的作者是德国著名作家托马斯·朗格和法国作家克劳德·泰尔 。小说用轻松、简洁的文笔 , 讲述了一个买卖文字 , 即买卖语言的破案故事 。故事塑造了两个文字商人-----邪恶的文字商人和善良的文字商人 , 通过一善一恶两个文字商人的形象及代表的语言 , 倡导了做人要有宽容的胸怀和友好的善意 。
善良文字商人的一箱“关于礼貌用语”的文字被盗 , 箱子里面那些对于人们友好相处的文字是非常重要的 , 若买不到这些文字 , 人们的语言将变得粗俗无礼 , 他们会互相迈远 , 互相折磨 , 互相挑衅 , 彼此之间的关系也会随之恶化 。所以姐姐莱奥妮和弟弟尤纳斯需要抓住小偷 , 于是一步一步推断 , 真相终于浮出水面……
文中让我印象最深的一句话是:“语言对于我们人类来说 , 要多重要有多重要 。小鸟没了翅膀 , 鲜花掉落了花瓣 , 星星失去了光芒 , 它们将是什么样子 , 那么 , 人类的语言也就是什么样子 。”语言是我们人类必不可少的.一样东西 , 没了语言 , 就如同没了眼睛 , 失了光明 , 看不见前方的路 。而没了礼貌的语言 , 人与人之间无法沟通 , 一言不合就要撸袖子吵一架、打一场 , 这世界将会变得多久么混乱啊!“良言一句三冬暖 , 恶语伤人六月寒” , 美好的语言能让我们拥有一个温暖、和谐的社会 , 能让我们的世界绽放出熠熠的光芒 。
《文字商人》通过有趣的故事 , 淋漓尽致地透露出了做人需要善良 , 不能像邪恶的文字商人茨韦斯特那样 , 没了善良这个做人的最基本的品质 , 就像是没了语言 , 一样与人沟通不了 。所以 , 归根结底——善良是人的本性 。“赠人玫瑰 , 手有余香 。”希望我们的身边多一些这样的人 , 希望我们的生活越来越美好 。
I had learnt The Merchant of Venice in my text book before.I enjoyed myself to the full , I thought every ill man had his ill day.But after several years, I changed my original intention when I saw the film again.I felt sympathy for Shylock.When I was a little girl, I couldn’t understand The Merchant of Venice deeply.Because I knew little about it and I didn’t know racial discrimination how much influence to the Jewish.Jewish people oppreed too much.
As we known that the merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s most important works.It is a comedy.The theme of this play is to extol kindheartedne, friendship and love.And also it reflects the conflicts between the capitalists and usurers at the beginning of the capitalist society.And it exprees the author’s humanist idea on money, law and religion in capitalist society.This thesis analyzes the main figures in the play by using independent and contrast ways.It shows the heavily flavor of humanism at the beginning of capitalist society; and exprees some thoughts for society and human being.The thesis also makes a hard criticism to Shylock, who is a representative of feudalism, and puts a heavy humanism on Portia.It displays the thoughts of feudalism personality liberation, and streing the great breakthrough of woman’s status and feminine consciousne in Elizabethan era.