读文字商人有感范文有没有?( 二 )

In this play, Jew Shylock performs great greed for money.When he is resulted and treated unfair, he is brewing a strongly diatisfaction to revenge the Christian and graceful gentleman and appealing for equal treatment.In fact, Shylock’s characteristic has many aspects.He is a usurer.He is avaricious and stingy.But he also has the pity point: being lost daughter; being humiliated by Antonio; being treated unfair in Christian society, and his endle mi for his wife.All of his role action has surpaed the friendship between Antonio and Baanio, and the propagation of Christian by Portia.So in the thesis, the author argues Shylock not only as a curt, greedy and sly person, but also as a sympathetic figure.
Finally I learn that whenever you look anything could not stay in a surface.We must dialectical thinking .
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您好! 不知不觉在您悉心呵护下我已成长为一名优秀的小学三年级的学生 。在这十年里 , 生活上您对我无微不至、细心照顾 。从您的身上我学会了很多做人的道理 。学习上您又为我创造了非常优越读书环境 , 让我全心投入 。
记得一次周日的早晨 , 我在小区里晨跑 。在跨越一个台阶时 , 脚被台阶的棱角绊了一下 , 整个人被狠狠地摔在了无比坚硬的水泥地上 , 小腿上也挂了彩 。我忍着痛从地上爬起来 , 一瘸一拐地走回到了家 。您看见了连忙放下手中的活 , 先帮我除去伤口边上的灰尘 , 又拿来创口贴贴在伤口上轻轻地抚摸着 , 关切地问我疼不疼!并叮嘱我以后跑步时要多加注意 。那疼爱的眼神令我至今难忘 。一次语文单元考试 , 由于粗心 , 成绩一直不错的我只得了93分 。我的心里像揣着一只小兔子惴惴不安 , 生怕受到您的责骂 。可当您看到分数并没有像我想象的那样批评我 , 而是在看过考卷后耐心地和我一起分析错误的原因 , 嘱咐我下一次不要再这么粗心 , 还说无论做任何是都应该一丝不苟、仔细认真 , 这样才会取得更优异的成绩 。
【读文字商人有感范文有没有?】从这些细微之处您让我体会到了您对我的爱是无价的 。您就像只巨大的雄鹰用您坚实的臂膀呵护着我的成长;您又像一支长长的腊烛在为我点亮光明的同时也在默默地、无私地奉献着自己! 最后 , 让我真诚地对您说一声:“谢谢您 , 妈妈!”