作业评语简短怎么写?( 四 )

Come on !
I’m sure you can do your homework better next time.
Your handwriting is so beautiful.Can you try hard for your homework?或:Super!Try to be better next time ! 或:Try again , I’m sure you will do better next time ! Now you are flying !
对于作业较差的学生,批评时要注意艺术性和启发性,避免伤害学生的自尊心 。例如,在发现有的孩子作业马马虎虎时,我们可以这样写批语:
If you can write carefully, your homework will be better.I think you can make it.
I’m sorry to see that you can’t use your own head to finish your homework.If you feel hard to finish your homework, you can ask me.I will help you.Will you do it all by yourself next time?
Great! You can do homework by yourself now.I’m very happy.Try again.
What a pity! Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.
You should have done well, but you didn’t listen carefully in cla.What a pity!
对于基础差的学生,批语要多鼓励 。如:
Although you make lots of mistakes, I love your handwriting.Next time you can do it better, I believe in you.
对于基础较好的学生,批语要有表扬,更要有激励,可提出更高要求,促使他们更大进步 。如:
You’ve walked far in study and you can walk further! Work harder, you’ll be a top student.
针对中等生的批语应慎重,他们往往是大错不犯,小错不断,批语中要多一点严厉和鞭策 。如: Little by little one goes far.If you don’t work hard, you’ll fall behind others.Do you hope so? If not, what should you do? I hope to see you make progre.
对中等生或后进生则要抓住优点,用略为夸张的感叹句进行肯定和赞扬并顺带提出希望 。如:
Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?又如:Try again, I’m sure you’ll do better next time!
I’ve found your handwriting is better than before.Very good!
Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?
对作业较差的学生,批评要注意艺术性和启发性,避免伤害学生的自尊心 。英语中的委婉语和虚拟语气常可以用来表达带批评意义的指导,如:“ If only……!”、“ How I wish ……!”、“ Would you please ……?”、“I'm afraid you ……”等等 。常用的这类批语有: