一场激动人心的比赛作文怎么写?( 二 )

啊!要赢了!要赢了!快冲,罗雨翀,离终点不远了,要知道坚持就是胜利!在我们班欢呼的那一瞬间,他冲出了那条红红的终点线 。我们五(一)班赢了,我们五(一)班胜利了!五(一)!五(一)!永远第一!


There was a basketball match between Cla 3 and Cla 4 yesterday afternoon.Before the match, all the students thought Cla 3 would win the match because some good players were in the cla.
The match began, and all the players played very well.Other students watched and shouted for their teams.It was an exciting match.
When the first half of the match ended, Cla 4 fell behind Cla 3.The players in Cla 4 tried their best to catch up with them in the second half.With the shouts Come on , the players in Cla 4 won the match.
The match was over.How wonderful the match was!
昨天下午3班和4班举行了一场篮球赛 。比赛前所有的学生认为3班会赢,因为他们班有一些好球员 。
比赛开始,所有的球员都打得非常好 。其它学生观看并为各队呐喊助威 。那真是一场激烈的比赛 。
上半场结束时,4班落后 。4班的球员在下半场使尽全力追赶3班 。在一片 加油 声中,4班赢得了这场比赛 。
比赛结束了 。多么激烈的比赛啊!
The basketball match between Cla 3 and Cla 4 was held yesterday afternoon.Before the match, all the students thought Cla 3 would win because there were some good players in the cla.
After the match began, all the players played very well.When the first half of the match ended, Cla 4 fell behind Cla 3.
When the second half began, Cla 4 tried their best to catch up wlth Cla 3.At last Cla 4 won the match.
How excited Cla 4 were!
昨天下午3班和4班举行了一场篮球赛 。比赛前,所有的同学都认为3班会赢得这场比赛,因为3班有好球员 。
比赛开始后,所有的球员都打得非常好 。当上半场结束时,4班落后 。
下半场开始后,4班使尽全力追赶3班 。最后4班赢得了这场比赛 。


上星期体育课上,老师让我们班男生和女生进行了一场拔河比赛,场面十分壮观,大家忙得热火朝天,比赛后心情还久久不能平静 。
那天,老师拿来了一根拔河的绳子,他先告诉大家比赛规则:“一会儿大家拿起绳子,我吹一声口哨,比赛开始,当双方分出胜负时,我会吹第二声口哨,如果我吹第二声口哨时,还有一队在拔,那么不管这队有没有赢,都是对方队赢,清楚了吗?”我们重重点了点头,暗下决心一定要让自己的队赢 。
比赛开始了,女生因为体力弱势,一直落后,大家心里焦急万分,但谁都没有放弃 。有的女生涨红了脸,有的女生瞪大了眼睛,还有的女生咬紧牙关 。但是,男生在第二声口哨后还在拔,老师宣布犯规,于是我们又进行了一场比赛 。