校园安全的演讲稿格式怎么样?( 五 )

师生们,生命是美好的,也是最宝贵的,拥有这一切的前提是安全 。让我们一起尊重生命,热爱生命,时刻强化安全意识,努力提高自我防范能力 。让我们一起在国旗下祝愿,祝愿我们每天平安到校,幸福回家,祝愿我们的校园真正成为所有师生的避风港和和谐家园!
谢谢大家 。


今天我演讲的题目是《珍爱生命,安全从我做起》 。
安全连着方方面面,校园安全,交通安全,消防安全等等 。
今天我要讲的是校园安全 。
我是小学生,在校园内外听到的,看到的安全事故频繁发生 。事故多发生在上学和放学的路上 。就在我们校园内,有的同学也会一时冲动,乱追乱跑,摔伤的,撞伤的也有 。无端横祸向我们飞来,血的教训让我们懂得,校园安全与我们师生密切相关,关系到我们学生能否健康成长,完成学业 。关系到老师能否在个宁静安全的环境中教书育人 。校园安全是我们学习各科知识的前提,安全是学校首要任务之一 。校园安全必须人人关心,长抓不懈,落到实处 。学校领导老师们尽心设计许多安全标志牌,告诫我们安全重于一切 。为感谢老师对我们的关爱,少先队员们应做好以下几点:
第一、我们要有高度的安全意识,充分认识安全的重要性 。
第二、要注意防范心理安全 。
第三、在各项运动中要注意运动安全 。
第四、要注意食品卫生安全 。
第五、要注意教室里信息课和实验课的安全 。
有了安全,我们才能有健康的心态、强健的体魄;有了安全,我们才能有坚定的意志去攀登人生的阶梯;有了安全,我们才能像春天的桃李红红火火,快快乐乐,有了安全,我们才能有充沛的精神,勤奋学习科学知识 。
安全就如一颗光芒四射的太阳,照亮我们的人生,安全就如一根长长的纽带,联系着我们的生死存亡 。


news content more and more people fear, such as fire, flood, tsunami, earthquake, disaster, accident, terrorist attack, war, violence and so on, we have convinced ourselves living environment is not 100% safe.as a student, one year has most of the time in the school and the surrounding life.in this densely populated area, narrow special environment, safety is always our focus of attention, the relevant departments of the state specially set up relevant laws and regulations, formulate relevant regulations.such as" student injury accident treatment measures"," minor protects a law"," the prevention of juvenile delinquency law", at the same time the country has put forward the " safety responsibility be weightier than mount tai"," safety first, prevention first " principle, at the same time, the state established the safety administration, responsible for the national work safety management, it indicates that the country attaches great importance to security work.investigation shows, our country middle and primary school students in traffic accidents, collapse of buildings, food poisoning, drowning, security accidents, violent crime, death, a daily average of more than 40 people, the equivalent of a day is a cla of students lose their flowery life! building congestion causing injuries, but chasing caused by fracture, cla is the pencil head injuries, experimental proce, drowning, burns \\' fights and car crashes and other accidents are impoible to guard against.dry cold figure, these hear(请你关注..)ts a flutter facts behind what do we see? the dead to their fresh and short life puts to us what caution? hope the teacher, students thinking! we are still a long way to the world, everyone living has