《老人与海》读后感_550字怎么写?( 二 )

我们在生活中,不也一样会遇到许多困难吗?当生活的重担压迫着我们时,我们有没有像老人一样保持一颗勇敢坚强的心呢?面对困难,我们要冷静镇定,积极乐观地面对,勇敢地与困难作斗争,寻找克服困难的方法 。
人生,就好比大海一样,有起有落,不会一帆风顺 。在人生之海中,我们就好像渔夫,乘风破浪,追寻着像大马林鱼一样的美好的理想,但也要小心像成群的鲨鱼一样的种种噩运 。我们也要做个像桑迪亚哥一样的“硬汉子”,坚持与强大势力搏斗 。不论结果如何,我想,只要去挑战了,就不算是败者 。
“人可以失败,但不可以被击败,外在的肉体可以接受折磨,但是内在的意志却是神圣不可侵犯的 。”这是桑迪亚哥的生活信念,我想,这也应是我们该去追求的 。


A man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated.读完之后这句话深深的烙在了我的脑海中,面对这条硕大的马林鱼,老人三天三夜都没松开手中的鱼线,面对成群的鲨鱼蜂拥而来,老人毫不畏缩,毅然拿起手中的木棍捍卫自己的收获,这样一个硬汉的形象顿时彰显在了我眼前,让我为之震撼为之钦佩 。现在的生活中的挑战当然无处不在,我们需要像老人学习,拥有一颗勇敢的心,面对挑战时要勇敢攥紧自己的拳头,不屈服,不气馁,而不能去选择逃避,不敢面对 。
在茫茫的大海中,老人独自一人坐在小帆船中,与远处的夕阳相映照显得格外渺茫,喳喳的海鸟轻松的捕捉着自己的食物,而老人却84天没有捕到过鱼了,面对这样的处境老人依然坚强,看日升日落、观月隐月现,与鱼鸟作伴,和风水对话,他也变成了大海的一部分 。“海洋是仁慈的,十分美丽的,”最终给予了老人一条“比小船还长两英尺”的大马林鱼 。可是海洋又是残忍的——那些成群结队而来鲨鱼夺走了他辛苦追捕到的大鱼,粉碎了他的“光荣” 。老人的孤独与快乐、斗争与失败都和大海相联系 。通过桑地亚哥的形象,作者热情地赞颂了人类面对艰难困苦时所显示的坚不可摧的精神力量,所以无论怎样我们都不能自我放弃 。
My thoughts on the old man and the sea
A man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated.This sentence has lingered in my mind since I finished the book” The Old Man and the Sea”
In the face of fighting with this huge marlin, the old man did not release the fishing line in his hands for three days and nights, and the old man did not flinch when confronted with attack of sharks, but decided to pick up the wooden stick in the hands to defend their own harvest.
Such a tough guy image suddenly highlighted in front of me, which made me admire him and cheer for his strong mind.Challenge is of course nowhere in the present life.We need to learn from the old man who with a brave heart, in the face of challenges clenched his fist, rather than yield, avoid, and give up.