《老人与海》读后感_550字怎么写?( 三 )

In the boundle sea, the old man was sitting alone in the little sailing boat, and seemed so small under the setting sun in the distance, extraordinarily slim.But the old man hadn’t caught one fish since 84days ago.In t such situation, the old man was still optimistic, looking at the sun rise and set, watching the looming moon, and enjoying the company of fish and birds, and talking with wind and water.He just became one part of the sea.
The sea, kind and beautiful, finally gave the old man a big marlin but the ocean was also cruel- lots of sharks came flooding to rob the fish, trying beating the old man and crushing his "glory".The old man\\'s loneline and happy were aociated with the sea, through whom, the author enthusiastically praise the human’s bravery when facing hardships.So no matter how difficult the things are, we all can\\'t give up ourselves.


“一位平凡的渔民老人,一位真正的硬汉,以及他对命运不屈服勇敢抗争的故事 。或许,这不仅仅是个勇敢硬汉的故事,他带给我们的,更不止这些!”
这位老人是一个普通的渔民,他似乎有点儿丧气,都八十多天没收获了,就连和他一起的小男孩,也因其父母嫌弃他丧气,离开了他 。
老人在第八十五天时终于钓到了鱼,且还是一条不小,且价值不菲的鱼 。在老人沉浸在胜利的喜悦中时,一个不速之客,猛得打断了老人的致富之梦 。它寻大鱼之血而来,当然,肯定是来和老人抢肉的 。老人哪肯让步,勇敢地抄起鱼叉与之对抗,一番周折,总算解决燃眉之急 。可命运偏和他过不去,这眉毛火刚灭,又迎头在他头顶,泼上一桶汽油——他的鱼,被一群闻血而来的鲨鱼,瓜分至渣,尽管,老人已经勇敢地拼尽了全力抵抗……
次日,人们望着老人船边那巨大的鱼残骸,不由发出赞叹,离开的小男孩,也回到了老人身边 。老人却因太累,睡去了,准备迎接新的一天……
虽然岁月久远,但海明威刻画的一个又一个硬汉形象,依然在激励着我们 。书中老人抄起武器,全力以赴,对抗命运的硬汉形象,也是刻在读者心间 。面对鲨鱼的血盆大口,老人依旧不依不饶,遇到命运对他开的玩笑,他依然勇敢的向前 。
我们已逐步褪去幼稚,步入了机遇重重的青春,但是,我们遇到命运给我们的重重难关时,能否像这位老人,拥有这般勇气?不管命运如何刁难,玩弄你,始终保持一颗勇敢的心,坚持下去 。尽管结果可能不尽如人意,但这个过程,一定会为你的人生,留下永恒的价值!


《老人与海》的主人公是一位勇气可嘉的老人,他充满了自信,在一连八十多天没捕到鱼的情况下,还坚持出海,好不容易钓上大鱼,但鱼却拖动了小船,向远方驶去 。老人毫不惊慌,在缺水断粮的情况下,他却没放弃,依靠一点水和捕到的一点鱼保存体力 。好不容易,鱼显出了自己的弱点——鱼捕到了 。但鱼血引来了鲨鱼 。老人为了保鱼,奋力赶鲨鱼 。最后鱼还是被吃光,但老人却受到赞扬 。