环境污染的演讲稿怎么写?( 三 )

Species Extinction(物种灭绝)
What is clear is that species are dying out at an unprecedented rate; minimum estimates are at least 4000 species per year, although some scientists believe the number may be as high as 50,000 per year.The leading cause of extinction is habitat destruction, particularly of the world\\'s richest
As habitats are destroyed and species lost, the world is increasingly losing threads from the interconnected fabric of life.
Chemical Risks(化学成分污染)
Many industrially produced chemicals may cause cancer, birth defects, genetic mutations, or death.Although a growing list of chemicals has been found to pose serious health risks to humans, the vast majority of substances have never been fully tested.
Environmental Racism(环境歧视)
Studies have shown that not all individuals are equally
exposed to pollution.Three of the five largest commercial hazardous waste landfills in America are in predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods, and three out of every five black and Hispanic Americans live in the vicinity of an
uncontrolled toxic waste site.The fact that the wealth of a community is not nearly as good a predictor of
hazardous-waste locations as is the ethnic background of the residents reinforces the conclusion that racism is involved in the selection of sites for hazardous-waste disposal.
Environmental racism takes international forms as well.Dangerous chemicals banned in the United States often
continue to be produced and shipped to developing countries.Additionally, the developed world has shipped large amounts of toxic waste to developing countries for le-than-safe disposal.
大家好!现代的人们大多数做饭用煤气、煤炉,舍弃了用稻柴烧火的时代,可他们不知道这样的行为大大污染了空气,污染了环境 。尽管秀多人家烧菜时用吸油烟机,净化了家中的空气,但油烟机不可能完全吸入烟气,一部分烟气依然会流到空气中,一家人每天产生的烟气或许对大气污染没有什么影响,但是几十家、几万家、几亿家呢?几亿家产生的烟气汇集在一块难道仅有一点吗?难道就不会对空气产生污染吗?这个问题值得深思,我们必须静下心来好好反思,好好考虑 。
一些地区沼气池进入人们的日常生活,沼气可以照明、取暖、做饭,这样不仅可以节约资源,而且还能减少对环境的污染、破坏,有利于大自然的和谐发展,有利于节约型社会的建设 。
不光是大气污染,电池污染也成为当今的主要环境问题之一 。许多人毫无环保意识,乱扔电池,随意把电池扔在垃圾桶里和其他垃圾混合在一起,不将垃圾分类,导致清洁工可能会随便处理这种有害垃圾 。他们可曾知道,一只电池会污染一吨水,大大减小了水资源的现存量,我国不得不大力实行相关措施,净化水资源,可要挽救水需要多大的人力、物力、财力,这要花费多少我国的资金?所以,我们应该把垃圾分类,回收有用的垃圾,减少塑料袋、一次性快餐盒的使用,实行可持续发展战略,实行经济循环模式,合理利用资源,减少不可回收垃圾,减少对环境的污染,让地球成为一个更舒适的、更美丽的家园 。