We love a flower.
我们爱一朵鲜花 。
A flower mantis.
一只花螳螂 。
Next business day flower delivery across the Republic of Ireland .
【关于鲜花的英文唯美短句 鲜花语录英文短句图片】下一个营业日鲜花递送全国爱尔兰共和国 。
The white lily, the symbol of the resurrection, is the typical Easter flower.
而象征着复活的白色百合花是典型的复活节花卉 。
I have my blessings on the 365 flower buds, they open one day, a beautiful day to bless you.
我已经把我的祝福放在365朵花苞中,它们每天开放一朵 , 每天给你美好的祝福 。
The Sydney Garden Flower Show - This annual horticultural show will educate, impress and amaze.
悉尼花园与花表演-这年度园艺的表演将教育 , 打动并且惊奇 。
Flower and girl in togethertear and the sky in together it rainsshould we still be together?
花与女孩在一起 眼泪与天空在一起 在一起就下雨 我们还要不要在一起?
However, the blue roses displayed at the flower expo in Tokyo are the real thing, genuine blue roses.
然而 , 此次在东京花卉博览会上展示的蓝玫瑰是真正的,名副其实的蓝玫瑰 。
As the flower of life dreams take off as the dominant human dream, everything will restructure itself ahead.
当生活之花的梦想成为人类的主导梦想而启动时,一切都将在前方自我重建 。
If you love flowers and recognize its role in human relationships , you might want to start your own flower shop .
如果您爱花,并承认它的作用在人与人之间的关系,您可能想要开始自己的花店 。
Flowers, is the nature of the wizard, they have their own language, this is the Flower, and read their language, it is a happy thing.
花,是大自然的精灵,它们都有自己的语言 , 这就是花语,而去读出它们的语言,实在是一件快乐的事 。
Do you feel a lack of something, a flower painting, painting a tree, or painting a blue sky, and then draw some cartoon characters or so.
你是否感觉到缺少了什么,画上一朵花、画上一棵树、或者画上一片蔚蓝的天空、再或者画上一些卡通人物等等 。
描写玫瑰花的英文句子 , 经典唯美的英文短句
.当年的那间画室,将一个不愿开口,不会走路,也不能握笔,更不关心自己是否美丽的少年,滋润灌溉成夏日第一朵玫瑰 。——三毛
In that studio, a young man who didn't want to open his mouth, could not walk, could not hold a pen, and didn't care about whether he was beautiful, moistened and irrigated into the first rose in summer. -- Sanmao
.人在品格修养上,必须从花朵学得教训 。为什么栀子花普遍为人喜爱,只有一个理由,因为他绝不想玫瑰花般的香味 。这个具有梅花雀外形的少女,身上不仅有着春天,也还有着一个光辉的灵魂,透过她那玫瑰色的肉体在发光 , 像火苗透过盏灯一样 。——显克微支《你往何处去》
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