关于鲜花的英文唯美短句 鲜花语录英文短句图片( 五 )

In character cultivation, we must learn from flowers. There is only one reason why gardenias are popular, because they never want to *** ell like roses. This girl with the shape of a plum sparrow has not only spring, but also a shining soul, shining through her rosy body, like a fire through a lamp. ——Where are you going
.哦,朋友,这就是我的肺腑之言 。因为有了你,蓝天才广阔无垠;因为有了你 , 玫瑰才火红艳丽 。——爱默生
Oh, my friend, that's what I say from the bottom of my heart. Because of you, the blue sky is boundless; because of you, the rose is flaming. ——Emerson
.一个女人不管有多么的风华绝代,才华出众,如果没有爱情 , 那也不过是一朵等待枯萎的玫瑰而已 。——张爱玲
No matter how gorgeous and talented a woman is, if there is no love, it is just a rose waiting to wither. ——Zhang Ailing
玫瑰有红黄白蓝和粉红色的,这里那么多种的颜色我都喜欢 。因为红玫瑰是代表爱恋;黄玫瑰代表高贵;白玫瑰代表纯洁;蓝玫瑰代表浪漫;粉红色代表淡雅……这些花语都蛮不错的 。
There are red, yellow, white, blue and pink roses. I like all kinds of colors here. Because red rose represents love, yellow rose represents nobility, white rose represents purity, blue rose represents romance, pink represents elegance... These flower words are pretty good.
.人类是一种使思想开花结果的植物,犹如玫瑰树上绽放玫瑰,苹果树上结满苹果 。——安托法勃尔多里维
Man is a plant that makes thoughts bloom and bear fruit, just like rose in rose tree, apple tree is full of apples. ——Antofabur dorivi
.要生活啊 , 信我的话,别等待明天 , 就在今天采摘生命的玫瑰吧 。——龙沙
To live, believe me, don't wait for tomorrow, just pick the rose of life today. - lung Sha
玫瑰花迎着三月和煦的春风徐徐摆动 。它长着一根细长而坚固的主茎,茎上长满利剑似的刺,让人望而生畏 。它的茎上长着一片片叶子,这些叶子有的肥厚浓绿,有的娇嫩青翠的像翡翠般 。叶子边沿像锯齿一般 , 中间有一条细细的小沟 , 上面还长着一条条细花纹 。
The rose swayed slowly in the warm spring wind of March. It has a long, slender and strong main stem, which is full of sharp sword like thorns, making people look daunting. There are leaves on its stem, some of which are thick and green, some are delicate and green like emerald. The edge of the leaf is like a saw tooth. There is a thin groove in the middle, and there is a fine pattern on it.
那朵朵玫瑰绽放着各种不同的形态 。有的害羞待放,像一位害羞的小姑娘;有的刚刚绽放,散发出一阵又一阵淡雅的清香;有的绽放出甜美的笑脸,花朵就像是几只玲珑剔透的小花盘,金黄色的花蕊就像是托着的一盘诱人的奶黄蛋卷,蛋卷旁有着几滴晶莹剔透的小水珠;那先前热热闹闹开过的玫瑰花呢,鲜红的花瓣凋落了 , 墨绿色的枝干弯曲 , 花朵低垂着头,像一位弯腰驼背垂头丧气的老公公……