小女孩鲜花花语 小女孩花语录温柔英文文案( 二 )

Flowers bloom like fire and loneliness.
15、人面不知何处去 , 桃花依旧笑春风 。
People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze.
16、冬天的铃兰,吸引着翠绿的呼吸 。
The lily of the valley in winter attracts the green breath.
17、雨丝愁见红心结,风片喜闻紫蕊香 。
Rain sad see red heart knot, wind slice like to smell the fragrance of pistil.
Sit and watch the clouds roll, and listen to the flowers bloom and fall!
19、我是沙伦的玫瑰,是谷中的百合花 。
I am the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley.
20、羽冠唱晓人间白,锦衣经霜篱角红 。
The feather crown sings the world white, and the brocade is red by the frost fence corner.
21、静赏花开花落 , 一切随缘自在 。
Enjoy the flowers blooming and falling, everything is at ease.
22、赏一窗花开 , 盼一世安好 。
Enjoy a window of flowers, hope for a good life.
23、人生如花,花似人生 。
Life is like flower, flower is like life.
24、以花为伴,岁月静好 。
With flowers as company, years are quiet.
25、这一刻,只闻花香,不谈过往 。
At this moment, I only smell the flowers, not talk about the past.
26、欲雨红花含晓露,乍晴紫陌笑春风 。
To rain, red flowers with the Xiaolu, at first clear, purple Mo smile spring breeze.
27、香于半路先迎客 , 花已全开正及时 。
On the way, the flowers are in full bloom.
28、三月春来开翠幕,一枝花放起红云 。
In March spring comes the green curtain, and a flower puts out red clouds.
29、花依旧,风悠扬,人影眷盼 。
The flowers are still, the wind is melodious, and the shadows are looking forward to it.
30、扬州明月红栏畔,汉宫春风暮烟中 。
Yangzhou bright moon red fence, Han palace spring breeze in the evening smoke.
31、镜湖三百里,菡萏发荷花 。
Jinghu three hundred miles, the lotus flowers.
32、年分四季轮还 , 花开花谢花又来 。
The year is divided into four seasons, and the flowers bloom and wither again.
33、拾一朵岁月之花,温暖前行 。
Pick up a flower of years, warm forward.
34、遇见花开 , 唯美了光阴 。
Meet flowers, beautiful time.
35、置身一片花海 , 静享一世花开 。
Place yourself in a sea of flowers and enjoy the blooming flowers for a lifetime.
36、年年花相似 , 又不尽相同 。
The annual flowers are similar, but not the same.
37、遮天红艳花如火 , 飘絮白映实似棉 。
Covering the sky, the red flowers are like fire, and the white floating flocs are like cotton.