小女孩鲜花花语 小女孩花语录温柔英文文案( 三 )

38、故作小红桃李色 , 尚余孤瘦雪霜姿 。
He pretends to be a little red peach and plum, but he is still lonely and thin with snow and frost.
39、一花一世界,一叶一菩提 。
One flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi.
40、赏一树花开 , 盼一世安好 。
Enjoy a tree blooming, hope for a good life.
41、疏篱鸟雀迎风噪,春诸草花映桃红 。
Sparrow sparrow wind noise, spring flowers reflect peach.
42、花开两生面 , 人生佛魔间 。
Flowers bloom twice, life between Buddha and devil.
43、春天的花开,需要春风的抚慰 。
Spring flowers, need the comfort of spring wind.
44、风过依稀鸣玉磬,雨来仿佛洗金钟 。
When the wind blows, the jade chimes ring faintly, and the rain washes the golden bell.
45、参差素影瑶台同 , 绰约雪蕊玉殿香 。
Different Su Ying Yao Tai, Chuo Yu Yu Dian Xiang.
46、众木正如梦,一枝方日春 。
The trees are just like dreams, and one branch is just like spring.
47、菊的心里,住着芬芳 。
Chrysanthemum heart, live fragrance.
48、秋光好,一岁清秋花最丽 。
Autumn light is good, one year old autumn flowers are the most beautiful.
49、去年今日此门中 , 人面桃花相映红 。
In this door last year, peach blossom faces are red.
50、一朵花,便是一个微小的世界 。
A flower is a tiny world.
51、花儿,都笑的那么无忧无虑 。
Flowers, all smile so carefree.
52、一花一世界,一叶一如来 。
One flower, one world, one leaf, one Tathagata.
53、坐下来静赏花开,定下来静观自在 。
Sit down and enjoy the blooming flowers. Settle down and watch yourself.
54、心念一树花,自有欢乐地 。
The heart thinks a tree flower, own happy ground.
55、楚臣襟佩三年瑞,天女袖添千里香 。
Chu Chen Lapel three years auspicious, tiannv sleeve add thousand li.
56、望去分明临水岸 , 开残容易逐杨花 。
Looking at the clear waterfront, open can easily by poplar.
Wind and rain life, flowers bloom and fall is flourishing!
58、因为一朵花,爱上一座城 。
Because of a flower, fall in love with a city.
59、蝴蝶为花醉 , 花却随风飞 。
Butterflies are drunk with flowers, but flowers fly with the wind.
A flower, what flower? Who are the flowers beautiful for?
更多花的唯美英文语录 , 尽在在线花店花语
小清新英文句子简短正能量 适合发朋友圈的小清新句子
1、 I have no intention to fall in love with you, but now I cannot kick you out of my memory.我本无意爱你 , 如今忘不掉你 。