原谅用英语怎么说 原谅宽恕用英语怎么说( 三 )

Apologizing to the disliked person can do wonders for one’s physical and mental being, bringing happiness and contentment. Keeping one’s egos aside and expressing remorse is the key to forgiveness.
对不喜欢的那个人道歉对人的精神和身体会带来幸福和满足感,很神奇的哦!把什么自尊放到一边去 , 表达出悔恨才是原谅的核心 。
Be passionate with yourself
Once you forgive a person, be patient and kind to your self. Time is a big healer, thus give time to heal—physically and emotionally. Express your pain and anxiety, and do not keep it bottled up. Appreciate the goodness of people around you, and visualize a new life with positive energy each day. This will help to shape each day free of pain and suffering.
一旦原谅了别人,对自己有点耐心,也对自己好一点 。时间是伟大的治愈师,会慢慢治愈你身体和精神上的创伤 。把自己的痛苦和焦虑都表达出来,不要憋在心里 。感激周围人对你的好,每天用积极的态度看待新的生活 。这样能有效帮助你慢慢从痛苦中解脱出来 。
Once you made amends, set your boundaries to avoid repeating history so that you do not get hurt again. Be sure to keep a good distance from the person who triggered chaos in your mind and made you lose your sleep at night. Since we cannot change an individual, it’s *** art to keep away from them.
一旦有了教训 , 你需要设定底线来避免历史重演,这样才能保证你不会再受到伤害 。和那些会让你头脑发晕失眠的人保持点距离吧 。既然我们无法改变一个人,不如聪明点远离他们 。
Humans want to walk on the forbidden path, and there are chances that we can get attracted to people who have raised our blood pressure previously. Thus, retrain your thinking by wishing well about the person whom you just forgave. Hope the best for him while being intelligent and making wise decisions with respect to your mental well-being.
人们总喜欢选择走不该走的路,也有可能我们会爱上先前让我们血管爆棚的人 。不管怎样,换个思考方式,祝福那个你刚刚原谅的人吧 。为了自己的精神健康,真心去祝福他真的是智慧和明智的决定 。

原谅用英语怎么说 原谅宽恕用英语怎么说


原谅 用英语说
forgive,英 [f?'ɡ?v],美 [f?r'ɡ?v]
v. 原谅;宽?。蝗乃?
形容词: forgivable 副词: forgivably 名词: forgiver 过去式: forgave 过去分词: forgiven 现在分词: forgiving 第三人称单数: forgives
例句:If he is really repentant, we should forgive him.
如果他真心悔过,我们就应该原谅他 。
excuse,英 [?k'skju?s],美 [?k'skju?s]
vt. 原谅;辩解
n. 理由;辩解;借口