原谅用英语怎么说 原谅宽恕用英语怎么说

有很多朋友在寻找原谅用英语怎么说相关的资料 , 本文为大家罗列出原谅宽恕用英语怎么说一些文章介绍,希望可以帮忙到需要的朋友 。如果用得上记得收藏 。
2、原谅 用英语说
原谅是对人的疏忽、过失甚至错误予以宽恕﹑谅解 。那么你知道是什么吗?下面跟我一起学习关于原谅的英语知识吧 。
希望杰夫能原谅我 。
I hope Jeff can forgive me.
请原谅我的字写得不好 。
Please excuse my bad handwriting.
她恳求原谅 。
she supplicated for pardon.
对不起;请原谅 。
I beg your pardon.
我希望你能原谅我 。
I hope You'll forgive me.
原谅他人,或请求他人的原谅 。
Forgive someone or ask for forgiveness.
我们需要怎样原谅与被原谅 。
How do we need to forgive and be forgiven?
原谅自己,原谅别人 。
Be forgiving to yourself and others.
这次我原谅你 。
I will excuse you this time.
请原谅我说了激烈的话 。
Pardon my strong language, please.
你得原谅我的发音 。
You're going to have to forgive my pronunciation.
有些事情,我们会轻易原谅自己,却绝不会原谅别人 。
We never forgive in other people what we casually forgive in ourselves.
他终于得到了父亲的原谅 。
At last, he obtained his father's pardon.
总是生气 , 从来不会原谅别人 。
Hold onto anger. Never forgive anyone.
他们跪下请求原谅 。
They dropped to their knees and begged forgiveness.
我永远无法原谅我自己 。
I can never, ever, forgive myself.
她身边的人会原谅她掉眼泪的 。
Those around her would forgive her for weeping.
他恳请原谅,但没有得到答复 。
His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.
我知道蕾丝莉会原谅我,因为她不是个会记仇的人 。
I know Leslie will forgive me, because she is not the type of person to hold a grudge.
他突然大哭起来 , 求她原谅,并发誓偿还他偷的所有东西 。
He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen.
Man is a social animal and ought to socialize, but with pany around, there are times when egos tend to mingle along as well. This could result in exchanges of words that could put a strain on relationships. Continuous bashing of words with an individual could turn ugly and lead to hatred.
人都是社交动物,无法离开社会而生存,然而一旦周围有了同伴 , 自尊心往往会作祟,这就会导致言语交际时引发的紧张关系 。持续用言语打击别人可能会导致关系恶化,甚至招来仇恨 。