四年级作文范文有没有?( 二 )

即使一个人穷的什么都没有,那有什么大不了的呢?还有生命啊 。一个人身上最宝贵的东西不就是生命么!生命有的时候是非常脆弱的,一瞬间,它可能就会化为乌有;可是生命有时却又如此强大,强大得令人惊叹 。这种力量让你不管面对什么,哪怕是荒野、野兽,还是饥饿、疾病的折磨,都会支撑着你勇敢地战胜它 。而在背后支撑生命、提供能量就是坚定的信念啊 。只要你心中还有生存的信念,不轻易放弃自己的生命,那么再窘困的处境也能绝处逢生 。
而这个小说最让我记忆犹新的,却是狠心丢弃脚受了伤的主人公的朋友--比尔 。曾经是那样的同甘共苦,却为了求取自己的生命,放弃深厚的友情……那时候我很疑惑,生命难道真的那么重要么?难道真的为了生命,连爱情,友情都可以失去?但后来我发现:人生在世,靠的不都是亲情,爱情,友情么?如果失去了其中的任何一项,这样的生命是没有意义的 。然而,比尔可能到死的时候,才会体会到这一点吧!
人,一撇,一那 。一撇代表的是生命,是肉体 。而一那则代表着心灵 。只有拥有伟大心灵,才能成为一个大写的人!


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Currently, XX has been the order of the day.This does demonstrate the theory —— nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1).If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true.On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you.It turns out that all your plan falls through.No one can deny another fact that (4).You don\\'t have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my standpoint, I think (7).
The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day.This does demonstrate the theory —— nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one\\'s abilities).If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true.On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little poibility that you would ever achieve anything ).Failure will be following with you 。It turns out that all your plan falls through.No one can deny another fact that (self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed).You don\\'t have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (the secret of MMe.Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular).It will exert a profound influence upon (the achievement of one\\'s ambitions).With reference to my standpoint, I think (he that can have self-confidence can have what he will).