介绍西安作文300字怎么写?( 二 )

可爱的西安呀!你知道吗?不论你怎样变化 , 我都相信你永远都是我心中最亲最亲的家 。
漂亮的西安 , 漂亮的梦 , 可爱的家园 , 我的欢笑 。我永远都爱你 , 漂亮的西安 , 可爱的家园


亲爱的朋友 , 你想了解西安吗?你想“五一”、“国庆节”和爸爸、妈妈来西安旅游吗?告诉你吧 , 来西安旅游 , 是你最理想的选择!不信 , 你先听我说说 。
我们西安 , 是陕西省的省会城市 , 历史上叫做长安 。它是世界四大文明古都之一 , 从建设到现在 , 已经有3100多年的历史 。它曾经是我国古代12个朝代的首都;有名的丝绸之路就是从这里开始;著名的唐僧西天取经 , 也是从这里出发;它目前是我国西北地区最大的城市 。
我们西安最大的特点是 , 历史文物和名胜古迹特别多 。一进西安 , 你就会看到目前世界上规模最大、保存最完好的明代古城墙 。城墙的历史 , 已经有630多年 。它高12米 , 宽度比高度还厚3—6米 , 看起来非常雄伟壮观 。城墙把古城分为城里、城外两个部分 。城里最著名的旅游景点是钟楼 , 还有鼓楼和碑林博物馆;城外有大雁塔、小雁塔和我国目前最大的陕西历史博物馆 。
钟楼处在西安的市中心 , 是我们西安的标志性建筑 , 说到钟楼 , 人们就会想到西安;说到西安 , 人们同样会想到钟楼 。钟楼和鼓楼 , 都是以古代放置大钟和大鼓而得名 , 听说钟楼上放置的那个大钟 , 足足有5吨多重呢!


My name is XXX.I was born in Xi\\'an.I lived in the Xi\\'an for nearly XX years.Now, please let me introduce Xi\\'an, one of the most historical city in China, to you.
As everybody knows, Xi\\'an, is the capital of the Shannxi province in China and it is a political, economic, cultural and transportation center of shaanxi province.As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi\\'an is one of the four great ancient capitals of China, because it is the capital of thirteen dynasties, including the Qin, Han and Tang dynasties.Its long history and rich cultural heritage have influenced generations of Chinese people, including me.
I had to introduce some attractions in Xi\\'an.As a world-famous attraction, Terra Cotta Warriors is located in Xi\\'an Lintong County which is surrounded by Lishan, Huaqing Hot Springs and the other famous attractions.If you have not been to Terra Cotta Warriors, you can\\'t imagine it\\'s prosperous and powerful in Qin Dynasty.As people all know, there are some other attractions in Xi\\'an, such as Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Eild Goose Pagoda, Bell Tower, Drum Tower and so on.They are also the historical attractions where tourists have to go, if the one want to know more about Xi\\'an or even Chinese cultural.