难忘旅游的作文300字怎么写?( 三 )


8月28日,风和日丽,我和《东莞时报》小采访人员俱乐部的成员们一同乘车到东部·华侨城里游玩 。
茵特拉根小镇到了,镇里的建筑及设计充满了欧陆风情,在那儿还能看见许多外国人在街上来来往往,脸上满是热情的笑容 。我们随着导游一同到茵特拉根火车站里坐小火车游览茵特拉根小镇 。小火车的轨道是一座高架桥,穿越遂道,跨过茶溪谷,绕着小镇转一圈,大家欣赏到了茵特拉根小镇的全貌 。小火车跨过茶溪谷时,茶香阵阵扑鼻,湿地花田五彩缤纷,让人赏心悦目,穿越遂道时,里面很暗,给人一种犹如在深山的洞穴内探险的感觉 。最后,小火车又回到了终点站 。
坐火车后大家在镇内自由活动,我参观了镇中的钟楼,建筑师的设计真是独具匠心 。接着,大家跟着导游来到了“云中部落”,那儿在海拔480米,可以俯瞰华侨城全景,周围漂浮着一层薄如面纱的雾,如同自己走进了仙境一般 。最后,大家一同坐索道下山,欣赏到山中的奇花异草,真是大饱眼福 。


An Unforgettable Trip
On May Day this year I went to Dalian, a very beautiful and modern city, with my family.
First we took the bus to the Qinghai Park.There were so many different kinds of fishes that I could’t believe my eyes.We also saw the dolphin show.It was wonderful! Then we had lunch in a restaurant, where the seafood was delicious.In the afternoon we went to the seaside to swim.The sea was blue and the beach was golden.We all enjoyed ourselves.After that, we went shopping in a big mall, where I bought some souvenirs for my friends.We had a happy day.
【难忘旅游的作文300字怎么写?】I hope I can go there again.