光盘行动作文怎么写?( 六 )

第二天中午,妈妈叫我自己去盛饭,我盛了一勺,觉得太少又添了好几勺,便去餐厅吃饭了 。吃了好久,都已经饱了,可是看看碗里还有很多,妈妈看出来了,便问:“是惩罚还是继续吃?”“受惩罚吧!”我也没办法,毕竟我的肚子已经饱了 。过了2分钟,我终于做完了 。妈妈和爸爸把我叫到客厅里,温柔的说:“宝贝,记住这一次,以后别再剩下了,你要知道全国还有好多跟你一样大的孩子饿着肚子呢!你要珍惜现在的机会,知道么?”“嗯!我知道了 。”“我希望这是你最后一次剩下饭好不好?”“好的!保证最后一次 。”
以后,我都是吃多少点多少,没有在剩下过一次饭 。我们要爱惜粮食,不能浪费 。“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土 。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”正如这首诗,节约每一口饭 。


“Clear Your Plate” Campaign Nowadays, a campaign called "Clear Your Plate " becomes more and more popular around China, encouraging people to take uneaten food home after dinner.You can see posters on walls, news on TV, activities in restaurants and schools.The campaign is against waste on dining tables, aiming at saving food as well as improving people\\'s economy idea.The main cause of this event, as far as we know, is the enormous waste of food in China.In accordance with the investigation, the food we waste is worthy of 2000 billion yuan, which can feed 200 million people a year.Besides, there are millions of poor people who always feel hungry for they have no money to support themselves.Therefore it\\'s necearily that this campaign should be launched.In my view, every grain comes from hard working.We should realize the great meanings of economy and take action.Not only in this campaign but also in our daily life we should cherish food.It\\'s a moral character of you to practice thrift, because it\\'s one of the Chinese traditions as well as a need in society.So let\\'s take part in this campaign and clear your plate!