
一、other 的用法
1、作代词,它的复数形式是 others,例如:
【other和others和another的用法和区别】We have to solve this problem, more than any other, today.
今天,我们比任何人都要解决这个问题 。
I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send others tomorrow.
我会在这封邮件中附上两张照片 , 明天再发给其他人 。
2、作限定词 , 后面可以跟单数不可数名词和复数名词,例如:
The embassy website has general information about visas. Other travel information can be obtained by calling the freephone number.
大使馆的网站有关于签证的一般信息 。其他旅行信息可以通过拨打免费电话号码获得 。
Some music calms people; other music has the opposite effect.
有些音乐能使人平静下来 , 而另一些音乐则有相反的效果 。
What other books by Charles Dickens have you read, apart from ‘Oliver Twist’?
This one’s too big. Do you have it in other sizes?
这个太大了 。有其他尺寸的吗?
当 other 后面跟单数可数名词时,other 前面必须有其他的限定词,如定冠词和代词,例如:
I don’t like the red one. I prefer the other colour.
我不喜欢红色的 。我喜欢另一种颜色 。
Jeremy is at university; our other son is still at school.
杰里米在上大学,我们的另一个儿子还在上学 。
He got 100% in the final examination. No other student has ever achieved that.
他期末考试得了100% 。没有其他学生能做到这一点 。
There’s one other thing we need to discuss before we finish.
还有一件事我们需要在结束前讨论 。
当 other 作限定词时,没有复数形式 , 例如:
曼迪和夏洛特留下来了 。其他女孩回家了 。
正:Mandy and Charlotte stayed behind. The other girls went home.
误:Mandy and Charlotte stayed behind. The others girls went home.
二、the other 的用法
1、作限定词,the other + 单数可数名词表示两个人或事物中的第二个或另一个,例如:
This computer here is new. The other computer is about five years old.
这台电脑是新的 。另一台电脑大约有五年的历史了 。
当 the other + 可数名词的复数形式时,表示一组或是一个范围内的其他人或事物,例如:
Joel and Karen are here, but where are the other kids? —->一组剩下的人
Where are the other two dinner plates? I can only find four.—->一套剩下的东西——这里是六个盘子
另外两个餐盘在哪里?我只能找到四个 。
He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other.
他一手拿着帽子,一手拿着一束花 。
She has two kittens, one is black and the other is all white.
她有两只小猫 , 一只是黑色的,另一只全是白色的 。
三、当在 other 之前使用不定冠词 an 时,就变成了单个词 another,意为“又一,再一” , “不同的,类似的,可选的” 。
1、another 作限定词 , 后面接单数名词,例如:
Would you like another cup of coffee?
You’ve met Linda, but I have another sister who you haven’t met, called Margaret.
你见过琳达,但我还有一个你没见过的妹妹,叫玛格丽特 。
I don’t like this place. Is there another café around here we could go to?
我不喜欢这个地方 。这附近还有别的咖啡馆我们可以去吗?
2、another 作代词,例如:
The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to another.
申请由一个委员会审查,然后转交给另一个委员会 。
I don't like this room. I'm going to ask for another.
我不喜欢这个房间 。我打算另要一间 。
1、当 other 作限定词时,它没有复数形式,例如:
这些盒子是用来装书的 。其他的盒子是用来装衣服的 。
正:These boxes are for books. The other boxes are for clothes.
误:These boxes are for books. The others boxes are for clothes.
2、当 other 作代词使用时,若提到的不止一个人或事物 , 要使用复数形式 others,例如:
一些科学家认为我们应该减少航班数量以防止全球变暖;另一些科学家则不同意 。
正:Some scientists think we should reduce the number of flights to prevent global warming; others disagree.
误:Some scientists think we should reduce the number of flights to prevent global warming; other disagree.
3、当 other 修饰单数可数名词时,other 前面必须还有其他的限定词 , 如果限定词是不定冠词时,使用 another,例如:
我已经寄出了第一个包裹 。那另一个包裹我该怎么办?
正:I’ve posted the first package. What shall I do with that other package?
误:I’ve posted the first package. What shall I do with other package?
在玻利维亚呆了一个月后,我准备搬到另一个国家去 。
正:After a month in Bolivia, I was ready to move to another country.
误:After a month in Bolivia, I was ready to move to other country.
4、another 不能拆为 an other,例如:
在同一条街稍远的地方还有一个停车场 。
正:There is another car park a little further down the same street.
误:There is an other car park a little further down the same street.
5、another 只修饰单数 , 不修饰复数名词,例如:
其他有趣的地方包括老海港和城堡 。
正:Other interesting places to visit include the old harbour and the castle.
误:Another interesting places to visit include the old harbour and the castle.