now that和seeing that的区别

now that和seeing that的区别

now that和 seeing that引导原因状语从句,都不是最直接的原因,可以译为“既然,鉴于,由于、因为等”,但是,它们是有区别的:
1、 now that比较多用于口语;seeing that多用于书面语;
2、 now (that)除用于表示原因外 , 还可以表示时间 。
3、 下面通过一些经典例句来进行学习和提高:
Now that everybody is here, let's begin our meeting.
既然人都到齐了,我们就开会吧 。
Now that the problem is solved, nothing remains to be said.
问题已经解决了,没什么说头儿了 。
Now that a decision has been taken, let each one do his job.
既然决定了,就分头去办 。
Now that you mention it, she did seem to be in a strange mood.
既然你说到这事儿,她确实好像情绪不大对 。
Now that you are here, you'd better stay.
既然你已经来了,最好还是住下 。
Now that he is back, the prime minister has another chance to put his new ideas into practice
既然首相又掌权了,他就重新有机会实施他的新想法 。
Now that he has become President, many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system
既然他已当上了总统,很多人又再次看到了进行真正的体制改革的希望 。
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.
现在既已找出问题的症结 , 即可采取适当行动 。
They are hoping for a return to normality now that the war is over.
既然战争结束了,他们希望一切都恢复常态 。
now that和seeing that的区别

Now that the highway is finished, the shopping centre should thrive/ flourish/ prosper.
既然这条公路已经竣工,那个商业中心一定会兴隆起来 。
Now that Chris is gone she wants me to step into his shoes.
既然克里斯走了,她就想让我接替他的位置 。
Now that Tony was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude
由于托尼不在场了,她的态度有了明显的转变 。
Now that we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.
既然我们都是地球村的一部分 , 大家都成了邻居 。
now (that)除用于表示原因外,还可以表示时间:
Now that she was retired she lived with her sister.
现在她已经退休了 , 和姐姐一起住 。
now that和seeing that的区别

Now that the initial shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain
最初的震惊渐渐过去之后,他感到疼痛难忍 。
I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me
现在我的境况好转了 , 我真希望他能在这里 。
How do you fill your day now that you've retired?
现在你已退休了 , 怎样打发你的日子?
Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of extra space.
孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽绰了 。
Now that their children have grown up she joins Paddy in London every other week.
他们的孩子都长大了,她便每隔一周就到伦敦帕迪那里 。
Now that Fantina is old, she has been cast aside like some useless object.
范蒂娜如今老了 , 像废物一样被丢在一边 。
I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter
我现在意识到那些曾令我烦恼不快的事情其实无关紧要 。
Now that she's a flight attendant, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her.
她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力 。
seeing that经典例句赏析(通用语considering that):
Seeing that she got the hint, she's quite smart.
她明白我的暗示,挺聪明的 。
Seeing that he is ill, we'll do the work for him.
由于他病了,我们来代他做这件工作 。
Seeing that he's ill, he's unlikely to come.
他既然有病,那就不大可能来了 。
Seeing that we had noticed him, he moved off quickly.
因为看见我们已注意到他,他就赶快走掉了 。
Seeing that things were going against him, he took to his heels.
他一看形势不对,拔腿就跑 。
He has done well to pass his exams, seeing that he has been ill a lot,
Seeing that he's been off sick all week he's unlikely to come.
他请病假整整一周了,所以今天也不大可能来 。
Seeing that nobody was very enthusiastic about it,they decided to cancel the trip.
由于没有人有此热情,他们决定取消这次远足 。
He has done well to pass his exams,seeing that he has been ill a lot.
考虑到他多次生病,他考试能及格就很不错了 。
Considering that he received no help, his results are very good. 考虑他没有获得任意协助 , 他的成效要算作非常好的了 。
Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
考虑到你已经与这个男人划清了界限,你的反应有一点儿过头 。
【now that和seeing that的区别】Considering that the government's standards are not nearly ambitious enough, the picture is clear: by not cooking at home, we're not eating the right things, and the consequences are hard to overstate.
考虑到政府的标准还不够远大,实际情况变得很明确:不在家做饭,我们无法吃到对的东西,因而很难夸大后果 。
now that和seeing that的区别
