2014 年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语词汇精析

Part II Vocabulary (10 points)
Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your
answer on the AnswerSheet.
11.Now and in the future, we will live as free people, not in fear and never at the mercy of any foreign powers.
A. in the interest of
B. under the control of
C. for the sake of
D. at the cost of
? 注解
【译文】不论是现在还是将来,我们都能自由地生活 , 不用害怕也不用受制于外国强权的威胁 。
【解析】此处有and 表示前后的两个词是并列关系,所以应找出与 in fear“恐惧”的近义返项 。at the
mercy of “任凭···摆布”;in the interest of“为了…的利益”;under the control“在…控制之下”;for
the sake of“为了···的利益”;at the cost of “以······为代价” 。故选B 。
12.Public acceptance of rabbit as an economical source of protein depends on how aggressively producers market it.
A. vigorously B. effectively C. efficiently D. rigorously
? 注解
【解析】根据句意可以推断出画线部分的单词应该是指生产商的销售力度 。aggressively“强有力地” 。
vigorously “有活力地”;effectively “起作用地”;efficiently “有效率地”;rigorously“严峻地” 。
故选A 。

13.Many New England communities do not permit the construction of a “modernist” building, lest it alter their overall architecturalintegrity.
A.in case that B. in spite that C. for fear that D. in order that
? 注解
【译文】许多新英格兰地区不允许建造现代派建筑,唯恐其改变国家整体的建筑风格 。
【解析】前半句说部分地区不允许建造现代建筑,后半句应解释原因 。lest“唯恐,以免”;in case
that“以防,万一”;in spite that “尽管”;for fear that“生怕,唯恐”;in order that“为了”,选C 。
14.Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality .
A. imagination B. impression C. presentation D. expression
? 注解
【译文】根本上来说,“理论”是指对所接受的事实抽象地、象征性地表现 。
【解析】本题是对理论一词进行定义 。representation“表现” 。imagination“想象”;impression“印
象”;presentation“陈述,介绍”;expression“表达,表现” 。故选D 。
15.Television commercial have been under constant scrutiny for the last fewyears.
A. pressure B. reflection C. examination D. attack
? 注解
【译文】过去的几年,电视广告一直在不断地被审核 。
【解析】根据句意 , 此处为对于电视广告所做的事,应该是进行审核 。scrutiny“审核”;pressure“压
力”;reflection“反映”;examination“检查”;attack“攻击” 。故选C 。
16.The mayor has spent a handsome amount of time in his last term working to bring down the tax rate.
A. sufficient B. plenty C. considerable D. moderate
? 注解
【译文】市长在他的最后任期中,花费了大量的时间在减税工作方面 。
【解析】此处形容词表述市长在工作上所花费的时间 。handsome“可观的” 。sufficient “足够的”;
plenty“足够的”;considerable “相当大的,可观的”;moderate“温和的” 。故选C 。
17.His poor performance maybe attributed to the lack ofmotivation.
A. caused by B. focused on C. taken for D. viewed as
? 注解
【译文】他的表现很差可能是因为他缺乏动力 。
【解析】根据句意判断他的表现差和缺乏动力间应为因果关系 。attribute to“归因于” 。cause by“因
为”;focus on“集中于”;take for“认为”;view as“被视作” 。故选A 。
18.The new cut in interest rate is meant to promote domesticinvestment.
A. encourage B. obtain C. publicize D. advertise
? 注解
【译文】新一次的降低利率意在推动国内投资 。
【解析】根据常识,降低利率是为了增加消费和投资 。promote“推动” 。encourage“鼓励”;obtain
“得到”;publicize“公布”;advertise“宣传” 。故选A.
19.Conditions for the growth of this plant are optimum in earlysummer.
A. most acceptable B. most expressive
C. most favorite D. most desirable
? 注解
【译文】这种植物最佳的生长时机是在初夏 。
【解析】根据常识,夏天对植物的生长来说应该是最佳生长时间 。optimum “最佳的” 。acceptable
“可接受的”;expressive “表达的”;favorite “最喜欢的”,本身有“最···的”的意思,不需要再
用 most 来修饰;desirable“令人满意的” 。故选D 。
20.She often says her greatest happiness consists in helping the disadvantagedchildren.
A. is proportionate to B. is composed of
C. lies in D. relies on
? 注解
【译文】她经常说她最大的幸福就在于帮助贫困儿童 。
【解析】她的幸福和帮助别人之间应为包含关系,consist in “在于” 。be proportionate to “成比例
的”;be composed of“由···组成”;lie in“在于”;rely on“依赖于” 。故选C 。
【2014 年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语词汇精析】