
据多家媒体报道,当地时间8日凌晨,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队向驻有美军的伊拉克空军基地发射了“数十枚导弹”,目前尚未有人员伤亡的报道 。
Iran retaliated for the killing of a top general by firing more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi military air bases housing UStroops on Wednesday local time.


针对这次袭击事件,伊朗半官方的法尔斯通讯社最新报道称 , “随着伊朗的导弹射向美军阿萨德空军基地,伊朗对美国的报复行动开启” 。
据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队发表声明称,对驻伊拉克美军阿萨德空军基地的袭击,是在为3日遭美军空袭身亡的革命卫队下属“圣城旅”指挥官苏莱曼尼报仇 。
In a statement, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)said the attacks were “hard revenge”for the death of Soleimani.
伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队发表声明称,袭击是为苏莱曼尼之死的强势复仇 。
The IRGC said in the statement that any country housing US troops could be subject to “hostileand aggressive acts” and called on American citizens to demand the government remove US troops from the region.
伊斯兰革命卫队称,任何为美军提供驻地的国家都将遭到“充满敌意的攻击行动” , 并呼吁美国公民要求政府从该地区撤军 。
8日早上,伊朗驻华大使馆在新浪微博上发布消息称,美国在西亚邪恶势力的终结,已经开始 。

CNN报道称,美国国防部已经证实,伊朗向伊拉克的美军和联军发射了导弹 。
In a statement, the Pentagon said the missiles werelaunched from Iran and targeted the Al Asad and Erbil military bases. USofficials are still conducting initial damage assessments, the statement said. It’s unclear if there were any casualties.
【复仇开始了!伊朗袭击美军驻伊拉克基地,威胁称:敢反击就打以色列】美国五角大楼在一份声明中说,这些导弹是从伊朗发射的,目标是阿萨德、埃尔比勒两处军事基地 。美国官员正在初步评估战斗伤害 。尚不清楚是否有人员伤亡 。
美国国防部公共事务部长助理乔纳森·霍夫曼表示,“有迹象表明伊朗政府计划袭击我们在该地区的部队和利益”,基地已经处于高度戒备状态 。

白宫声明称,美国总统特朗普已收到相关报告 , “正在密切监视局势,并与国家安全团队进行磋商 。”
In a statement, the White House said, “The president has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team.”
据CNN报道 , 美国白宫周边已经加强了安保,持有突击步枪的美国秘勤局士兵已经开始在白宫附近的检查站巡逻 。
▌伊朗再发威胁:美国若反击 , 将袭击以色列
据CNN最新消息,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队在电报中发出威胁:如果美国胆敢对伊朗当天的导弹袭击做出回应 , 将袭击以色列 。
Hezbollah will attack Israel if the United States responds to missile attacks carried out by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Tuesday night, according to the Iranian Tasnim news agency.
另外,如果伊朗领土遭到轰炸,伊朗将在第三波行动中以阿联酋的迪拜和以色列的海法为目标进行打击 。
The IRGC warned on their Telegram channel that they would attack Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Haifa in Israel if Iranian soil is targeted, according to CNN.