五年的时间很快过去了,回望五年的校园生活,我心里酸酸的,好想哭,一想到马上就要离开我挚爱的老师和同学,辛酸和毕业的喜悦交织在一起,像打翻了五味瓶,说不出来的感觉 。
感谢我周围所有的同学和朋友 。命运让我们走到同一片蓝天下,一起追逐,一起成长,一起欢笑……无数个纵情欢乐的白天,无数个推心置腹的夜晚,无数个纯真而又绚烂的时刻 。我们一起成长,一起飞翔,一起经历,一起走过五年里的一切一切……在熟悉的校园里,这些将变成回忆 。
这是我们最后一次在校园中如此整齐相聚,明天的我们将各奔东西 。在这离别的日子里 。
祝:各位老师身体健康,工作顺利,每天都有好心情 。祝母校走向更好的明天,原所有的同学取得更优异的成绩 。“朋友,珍重!”风儿会带去我给你的祝福,如果有缘,明天的明天,我们会相聚!感谢你母校,这里面每朵花,每棵树,每位同学、老师都使我难忘 。六年了,我一直没有机会向您倾吐谢谢,您教给了我们很多,告诉了我们很多,让我们一天天成长着,直到有了今天 。母校,您的爱,好比母爱,那样伟大,那样的崇高,母校,谢谢 。
Student Speech Delivered at the Washington University Engineering Graduate Student Recognition Ceremony15 May 1997Lorrie Faith Cranor【最新毕业演讲稿()如何写?】Faculty, family, friends, and fellow graduates, good evening.
I am honored to addre you tonight.On behalf of the graduating masters and doctoral students of Washington University\\'s School of Engineering and Applied Science, I would like to thank all the parents, spouses, families, and friends who encouraged and supported us as we worked towards our graduate degrees.I would especially like to thank my own family, eight members of which are in the audience today.I would also like to thank all of the department secretaries and other engineering school staff members who always seemed to be there when confused graduate students needed help.And finally I would like to thank the Washington University faculty members who served as our instructors, mentors, and friends.
As I think back on the seven-and-a-half years I spent at Washington University, my mind is filled with memories, happy, sad, frustrating, and even humorous.
Tonight I would like to share with you some of the memories that I take with me as I leave Washington University.
I take with me the memory of my office on the fourth floor of Lopata Hallwith no chance to re-enter the debate hall after I left.
I take with me memories of university holidays which never seemed to apply to graduate students.I remember spending many a fall break and president\\'s Day holiday with my fellow grad students in all day meetings brought to us by the computer science department.
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