

世界上有三个国家有多个首都,它们分别是南非、荷兰和马来西亚 。There are three countries in the world that have multiple capital cities, namely South Africa, the Netherlands, and Malaysia.
南非有三个官方首都:开普敦、比勒陀利亚和布隆方丹 。这是因为在南非的宪法中规定 , 国家政府、立法机构和司法机构在三个城市中都有所设立 。South Africa has three official capital cities: Cape Town, Pretoria, and Bloemfontein. This is because the country's constitution stipulates that the national government, legislature, and judiciary should be located in all three cities.
荷兰也有两个官方首都:阿姆斯特丹和海牙 。阿姆斯特丹是荷兰的文化和旅游中心,而海牙则是政治和行政中心,是联合国国际法院和国际刑事法院的所在地 。The Netherlands also has two official capital cities: Amsterdam and The Hague. Amsterdam is the cultural and tourism center of the Netherlands, while The Hague is the political and administrative center and the seat of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.
马来西亚有两个首都:吉隆坡和普特拉贾亚 。吉隆坡是马来西亚的行政和经济中心,而普特拉贾亚则是国家的行政和司法中心,是国家议会和皇宫的所在地 。Malaysia has two capital cities: Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Kuala Lumpur is the administrative and economic center of Malaysia, while Putrajaya is the country's administrative and judicial center, housing the National Parliament and the royal palace.
【具有三个首都的国家】这些国家的多个首都反映了它们在政治、文化和经济方面的多样性和重要性 。The presence of multiple capital cities in these countries reflects their diversity and importance in political, cultural, and economic aspects.