韩国仁川港洗舱案 韩国仁川港的英文

XX轮于2020年1月6日0700GMT(世界时)在天津京唐港卸完NICKEL ORE(镍矿)后根据下航次计划到韩国INCHEON(仁川港)和DANGJIN(唐津港)装载钢材到印度以及中东港口卸货 。租家发了航次指令 , 着重看货舱清洁条款:

cleanliness on delivery(important):
vsls' holds on dely or arrival at first l/port tb clean swept/ washed down by fresh water and dried up so as to rcve chtrs int cgos in all respects, free of salt, loose rust scale and previous cgo residue to the independent surveyor satisfaction.货舱要在抵达装货港前清扫干净,干燥清洁,适合装钢材 。
if the vsl fails to pass any hold inspection/test as abv, the vsl shud be palced off-hire from the time of rejection until the vsl passes the same inspection/test again and any time/direclty related exps incurred thereby tb for owns'acct. if loading commence with the cargo holds that has passed the hold inspection first, hire to be paid pro-rata.
+ please carry out hold cleaning on empty holds at jintang.
++ please send the photos of holds for visual checking.
/////top important///// 极其重要
in order to load steel cargo, surveyors strictly check hold condition with silver nitrate test. and many vsls frequently fail hold inspection due to previous cargo residue and salt.
租家提示装港的检验员对货舱清洁要求非常严格 , 很多船只因为上航次货舱货物和盐渍残留验舱都没通过 。
vsl’s holds shall keep good condition to load clean cargo such as grain, hence pls kindly do your best on hold cleaning and tender nor after "completely finishing hold cleaning of all holds" in order to make loading plan, please urgently inform how many days you need to clean the holds and the est nor. your prompt information is highly appreciated.
租家要求船长按装载谷物的要求来备舱,并备舱完成后才可以递交准备就绪通知书 。
1月6日 , 租家发电邮询问船长备舱情况 。
Please kindly advise your good vessel's hold cleaning status for our reference.
Since the Inchon loading operation will be done at inside of lack gate and hold cleaning at lock gate is not allowed, your good vessel should enter the lock gate after finishing hold cleaning properly.
So, we would like to request your cautious attention on hold cleaning and request you to update hold cleaning status.
Awaiting your advice.
Et.POB for berthing 0230/08TH/JAN at Palmido pilot boarding ground,
Please contact with Incheon pilot by VHF 13, 8 or 16 at 0030/08TH and proceed to Palmido pilot boarding ground for pick up pilot stop.
Please confirm safe receipt.预计引水8号0230登轮 。
Gdday! We already completed sweeping hols before out of ECA of CHINA.
we already completed washing all of holds at present with bad weather & heavily rolling & very cold weather (NE/7-8 + Rough Sea + Max. rolling 12 ) all crews & master do their best to completed washing holds job as per C/P & meet to yur requirement.
天气差、海况恶劣(7到8级大风)、严重横摇、气温很低,船员在尽全力洗舱 。

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韩国仁川港洗舱案 韩国仁川港的英文

从图上可以看出船员还在进行扫舱洗舱工作 , 货舱尚未完全备妥 。船长发给租家备舱情况后,又赶紧发邮件询问我司:据航次指令我轮V2001航次装钢产品对货舱要求很高,即无残货、无盐份、干爽 。由于备舱时间紧 , 从开航到引航站仅35个小时,白天时间只有8个小时,我们已经尽力在ECA区域连夜将货舱扫干净 。今天白天用海水将货舱冲洗干净,目前海况、天气都很差,阴雨、NE/7-8级、船舶横摇12度,我们尽最大努力将货舱用海水冲洗好 。但是淡水清洗和晾晒货舱还需要更多的时间 ,根据预报天气状况不好,进港靠泊后如果验舱不通过将有更大的损失 , 请尽快回复给出指示 , 谢谢!
我们当即指示船长尽力洗舱 , 先安排重点舱2、3、4舱的清洗工作,因为仁川港只需要装载这三个舱 。1月8日0200该轮抵达仁川港引航站交船给下个租家,并按靠泊计划安排靠泊,船长汇报:
DA HONG 16轮V2001航次于2020年01月08日1300靠妥INCHEON NO.61泊 。PORTCAPTAIN 进行验舱 , 按照要求我们用淡水高压水枪将NO.3货舱舱底进行全面清洗 。1700 PORTCAPTAIN 下舱检查于1730通知验舱通过(大副、水头、实习生都在现?。?nbsp;, 并要求我们放4个舱灯、克令吊玻璃擦干净1900工人开始装货 。
我们按照他的要求做好各项准备工作并继续清洗NO.2货舱,1800突然通知验舱不通过 , 并告知0400引水离港出去清洗货舱,特此报告,请指示,谢谢!
根据船长的邮件,我们推断船长和码头船长(也就是检验员)之间可能有沟通不畅的地方,导致验舱通过后又被否掉 。租家得知验舱未通过 , 发了下面的protest邮件:
As per the agent update from Inchon, the subject vessel's hold cleaning is insufficient to load the charterers cargoes. Even though the charterers requested the master's keen attention on the cleaning works, master tender delivery notice without any concerns on this matter.
In the worst case, since the hold cleaning is not allowed in lock gate, the vessel might deberth again to outside of port to carry out cleaning.In this regard, charterers regretfully inform that charterers time loss and direct/indirect expenses will be for the owners account. Not only this, charterers are initally targeting to make departure from Dangjin before start of Korea Lunar new year, but if the vessel will be delayed, we can not target the vessel's departure before upcoming holiday.
If so, the charterers commercial loss would be huge and charterers have no option but to deduct the consequential delays from the hire payment as well.Charterers urgently request owners to instruct the master to rectify this issue.
验舱不过可能需要离开泊位去锚地洗舱后再靠泊 , 验舱通过后装货,如此会严重影响船期 , 租家本计划在韩国新年假期之前安排离唐津港也会被推迟,租家声称将保留索赔由此导致的商业损失 。
As per the agent and port captain's advice, the holds condition is not sufficient to commence cargo loading operation in Inchon.
As we checked with master, he said that bilge water shall not be kept in tanks, so even he can not carry out hold cleaning at current position.In these all regards, there are no option but to deberth the vessel to OPL Inchon.
Please urgently instruct crews to carry out hold cleaning and charterers clearly inform that below items shall be deducted from the hire payment.
1. Time loss from delivery to inspection pass and bunker consumption thereto.
2. Expenses spent between berthing and deberthing.
3. Charterers additional damages due to insufficient hold cleaning.
Owners prompt reply would be appreciated.
1 从交船到验舱通过期间的租金
2 靠泊离泊费用
3 租家额外损失
Please find the attached photos and owners can see the full of residues on tanktop.
Obviously, charterers expect that cargoes can not be loaded with this hold condition and now even the vessel can not carry out hold cleaning at berth since the bilge water disposal is not allowed at berth.

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我们当即指示船长加快清洗3舱、2舱和4舱 。船长回复了下面的邮件给租家并抄送给我们:
DA HONG 16 Completd NO.2&NO.3 Holds washed by fresh water at 1830lt-08th-Jan-2020 as per your good loadmaster/surveyor's order and meet his requriement.
We will Completd NO.4 Holds washed by fresh water at 2000lt-08th-Jan-2020 pls arrange a surveyor for inspection asap!
2舱和3舱已经清理完毕 , 4舱也会在晚上8点清理完毕,请租家安排检验员登轮检查!
DA HONG 16 Completd NO.2&NO.3&NO.4 Holds washed by fresh water at present(1945lt-08th-Jan-2020) as per your good loadmaster/surveyor's order & meet his requried and ready to load cargo with incheon at 1945lt-08th-Jan-2020 Pls inform surveyor to come on board for inspeciton immediately.
但是租家没有任何反馈,我们从代理处得知,检验员晚上18点下班并且不加班 。我们发了邮件给租家:
As owner and their managerment company's opinion , cargo hold at this moment is up to standard to accept chtrs intent cargo , pls chtrs re-inspect hold conditon , instruct their supercargo to communicate with master and prepare loading operation in time to mitigate loss.
Owner just get confirmation from master, chrts' pictures were taken upon berth alongsinde ,ship crew already cleaned all the residues pls find att pictures after clean.
pls chrts send their surveyor and port captain onboard to inspect the cargo hold asap for smooth loading.
Obviously, charterers expect that cargoes can not be loaded with this hold condition and now even the vessel can not carry out hold cleaning at berth since the bilge water disposal is not allowed at berth. Chrts above comments is incorecct.
Captain confirm the bilge water will be stored in tanks. And Hold No.3 already cleaned and ready for loading. So as Hold No.2 and No.4. 重申3舱 , 2舱、4舱已经备妥,请立即检查和安排装货 。
Even the owners pictures, charterers can see the numerous residues on tanktop and side of holds.
Please urgently instruct their crew to meet the sufficient hold cleaning status and also owners are urgently requested to advise their hold cleaning plan.
Charterers fully reserve all of our rights to further cargo claims regarding quality and contamination which may arise due to the insufficient hold cleaning status.
As per the surveyor's advice, master cheated surveyor and he was discovered while they tired to dispose bilge water in secret.
Charterers are quite disappointed this kind of message which is not following the local environmental regulations and we are not responsible for the consequential of this action.
And if the owners still insist that the vessel can keep the bilge water on board, charterers believe their comments once again.
Currently, charterers understand that surveyor is still attending at local and the final loading condition should be judged by surveyors.
At the same time, charterers clearly inform if there are any future quality and contaminations due to the residue of owners previous cargoes and insufficient hold cleaning, the all claims shall be for the owners account.
Charterers rights are fully reserved as per CP.
1月9日 , 租家检验员仍未登船做检查,同时租家发邮件继续建议船东尽快请岸上清仓公司帮助清理,并附上了船舱的照片:
Charterers can not bear the owners groundless and unreasonable messages anymore.
Please find the attached photos which were taken this morning 9th Jan for hold no.2, 4.
Do the owners seriously believe that the hold cleaning is completed now? As the owners might can see, the tanktop is full of dust and residues of previous cargoes and charterers expect that cargoes could not be loaded with this kind of hold status.
Charterers urge the owners to make decision to rectify this issue ASAP by arranging shore cleaning or deberth for cleaning and not only this, charterers are receiving extremely strong blames from shippers. Owners keen attention to make solution of this issue would be strongly requested.
Charterers clearly declare that all the time loss/direct&indirect expenses/charterers any commercial damages will be fully for the owners account.

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我们咨询过船东的PRE LOADING SURVEYOR的意见,以此作为证据对租家的检验员进行抗辩:
As per chtrs picture , such small numbers of residues has already been swept and removed. Vsl hold intend to load steel product not grain , the condition has been accepted by owner's PNI surveyor and chtrs surveyor and foreman , its only chtrs port captain now claim that hold is not cleaned enough.
Owner hereby protest the unreasonable judgement of port captain and propose to conduct a joint survey by PNI surveyor to assess if cargo holds is ready .
And as per master , port captain left few words and disebarked now disappeared , owner think it's port captain's responsibility to stay on board for supervison while crews are still working to accomplish his requirement.
Charterers fully reject the owners last message and charterers are fully regretful to owners last message.
As we check with local surveyor, even the owners P&I surveyor has not been on-board to check up the hold cleaning status.
Charterers strongly request the owners to send their message in good faith and after checking the local situation clearly.
Charterers duly request the owners to carry out joint P&I survey between owners and charterers survey.
Charterers P&I is North of England. Owners are urgently requested to revert with their P&I and their surveyor's contact detail.
Please find the attached charterers P&I survey report.
As the numerous pictures can show well, the holds are still unclean to commence cargo loading operation and charterers stance is quite strong to request the owners to do their full liability to clean holds as per CP hold condition clause.
As charterers mentioned in previous message, the exact local situation and 'the actual' holds condition seem not to be reported well to owners via master and charterers clearly advise the owners that there would be no more merits to insist the owners position under this CP.
Charterers strongly request the owners to understand the current situation more accurately and update their cleaning plan ASAP.
If the owners seek the any solutions to handle this issue, charterers and our agent will fully support the owners to mitigate the owners loss.
既然双方检测报告结果不一致,继续拖延造成损失扩大对双方都没有好处 。同时 , 我们询问船长当地检验员到底对洗舱的要求到底是怎样的,把3舱舱壁清理干净,船长的回复如下:
DA HONG 16货舱全体船员加班加点在海况恶劣、船舶摇摆剧烈的情况下进行备舱,付出了艰辛的劳动 。
靠港后租家的loadmaster百般刁难下我们又进行大量的整改工作,目前为止我们的货舱完全适于装载钢材(P&I SURVEYOR 和2个工头都在私下交流中肯定的表示我们的货舱装货没有问题) 。至于租家要求的更高的规格和要求 , 目前船员没有时间和条件达到他们的要求,请安排岸上专业的清舱工人进行清舱作业,谢谢!
08日下午1730 loadmaster 在货舱里告知大副、水头、实习水手的NO.3可以装货并告知1900装货和要求我们挂4个舱灯、克令吊玻璃清洗干净,所有的一切我们都做好了,1800突然跑到船长房间说还不行不能装货,并且告知第二天1000上船检查如果不行隔天再上船检查再不行再隔天…..至于目前情况建议按照韩国租家要求安排岸上专业清舱工人完成清舱作业,谢谢!
始终都没有指出货舱舱壁高处和顶部反手的残货需要清理而导致验舱不通过的原因之一 。
现在P&I验船师告知我们在最短的时间内达到租家给出的无盐份、无锈块、干燥、清洁适于装钢材,但是没有达到无残留货物的标准导致验舱不通过,作为船员我们已经按照合约尽力做到最好 。
鉴于需要全面彻底地清除货舱舱壁的残留货物,因残留货物都是在最高处在冲洗货舱时我们已经用消防水都反复的冲洗过,但是还有些残留物,必须要用升降机进行近距离的不停冲洗 。
如此情况 , 要紧的是搞定码头船长(也就是检验员),经过请示领导,我们决定赶紧安排岸上清理公司帮忙做清理工作 , 极有可能这个清理公司是码头船长家的,即便清理再干净也无法通过验舱的 。如经过和代理咨询,代理推荐了一家清理公司并赶紧谈好了价格 。看到他们的工作schedule估计都要吐血了,韩国人的工作效率真的是和我们勤劳的中国人没法比 。1天的工作要分3天做 。
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从实际的工作情况来看 , 该清理公司并没有对舱壁很高的地方进行清理:
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岸上清舱公司负责人于2020年01月10日0945上船与船方商讨,他检查后货舱说我们的货舱很干净,适于装钢材货物并告知如果LOADMASTER有更高的要求他们也做不了 。
等到1025时LOADMASTER上船,经他们之间商讨只需要清洗货舱舱壁1-1.5米高处即可 , 舱壁高处所谓的“残货”无关紧要也无需清洁,船方强调清舱公司清洗货舱结束后LOADMASTER需要发布验舱通过的书面报告,他们都已经同意 。
1500时清舱公司负责人上船递交清舱计划书,1530时清舱公司用3辆皮卡将设备拉到船边(清洗货舱设备有:2台高压水枪空压机+2只2立方的塑料空桶+拖把1只+塑料软管4根+枪头2把) 。
船员协助吊装设备上船 , 1715时清舱工人3人开始清洗NO.3货舱1.5米左右高度的舱壁,所有的图片都已经发送到你的微信;同时清舱公司负责人和LOADMASTER在甲板办公室开心的聊着天,LOADMASTER是容光焕发,开心至极 。
按照您们的指示船员全力配合清舱公司各项工作,包括提供必要的工具、清洗货舱的淡水(在合适的港口请安排补充供应给船上),排放洗舱水,安置足够的照明等. , 相关图片将发到您的微信 。
另我们要求今晚NO.3货舱清洗结束后LOADMASTR需进行验舱并出具验舱通过的报告,但是LOADMASTER告知因晚上看不见不进行验舱明天早上0700上船验舱 。
如果验舱通过0800开始装货,清舱工人明天0800上船清洗NO.2&NO.4货舱,请联系韩国租家协调及时验舱并出具验舱通过的报告防止明天早上再有变卦,特此报告 。
好在清理计划按计划完成了 , 没耽误太久,码头船长也爽快的在验舱报告上签字了 。
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综合分析:这个航次的验舱耽误了4天左右的时间,船东和租家都遭受了损失 。
从一开始租家重点提醒验舱非常严格,我们已经沟通船上做了充分的备舱工作,而且船东协会的检验员也认可了货船情况并出具了验舱报告 。但是,该租家的码头船长兼检验员不予认可,无奈之下请了岸上清理公司我们才可以大概率推断 , 这个清理公司和码头船长是有勾结的,此前不予认可验舱的要求突然就不提了,即便船员不断清理 , 验舱一次次不通过 。即便进去泊位之前先在锚地洗舱,该码头船长仍会提出舱壁高处没有清理干净,没有达到验舱标准 。
【韩国仁川港洗舱案 韩国仁川港的英文】用领导的话说叫吃死猫 , 这个钱早点花就对了,耽误越久 , 我们损失越大,但是检验员是不在乎的 。船东这时候好弱势[捂脸],花钱买教训了 。