
相信大家都读过《金银岛》这本书吧!它是由英国著名作家罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森所写的 。看过之后我被这本书中刺激惊险的环节所震撼住了,接下来就让我为你们介绍一下吧 。
故事的主要内容是:以男孩吉姆为主人公,在他家的旅馆里,一个老海盗比尔身上发现了一张藏宝图,于是,他参加冒险上了一个叫“伊斯班袅号”的大船,与船上的人一起去寻找宝藏,机灵的吉姆发现了海盗的阴谋,他们准备把这笔宝藏从组织者手上抢走,还要杀掉这些人,最后,吉姆以一颗勇敢、机智的心战胜了海盗,拿走了宝藏 。
我很佩服吉姆的>勇气,一个年龄仅有15岁的男孩,就不风吹雨打,还敢一个人上大船去寻找宝藏,躲在苹果桶后面偷听海盗的阴谋,真是初生牛犊不怕虎,看得我胆战心惊,好担心他被海盗发现 。
比起吉姆来,我感觉自己在胆量方面就显得有些不足了 。记得我6岁那年,爸爸妈妈带我去世纪欢乐园玩,在那里我看到一个项目“鬼屋”,我就让爸爸带我进去看看,爸爸答应了 。买完票,我深吸了一口气鼓胆走了进去,谁知刚走进去5秒钟,我就看见前面一个黑乎乎的东西向我们扑来,吓的我就哭着跑了出来,“以后我再也不敢进去了!”说起这件事,我到现在还有点害羞呢 。
在平常的生活当中,我们遇到困难和危险时,一定要让自己冷静下来解决问题 。当然,吉姆遇到事情冷静沉着的头脑、坚强勇敢的精神是我们永远学习的榜样!也让勇敢成为我们一生的伙伴!
【《金银岛》观后感怎么写?】学院:英语学院班级:T 0902姓名:吕添学号:2101090210
The Feeling of the Treasure Island
Just talk about the title,"Treasure Island",before I read the book ,I think "Treasure Island",it is a place which has much money and it also has a lot of traps.In a play, if a place has much money,there must be have many dead bodies and these people must go together to find treasure and in the proce of finding ,there must be flighting ,killing and so on .It\\'s terrible .Back to the book ,this paage is a little out of my surprise.Ben Gunn,a people who was sent into exile,found the treasure and moved the treasure into another cave .I think ,it is funny.What a huge treasure! The book said he carried it on the back in many journeys,and had taken it to a cave on the northeast corner of the island .Two months before the Hispaniola arrived.Though at last Ben Gunn got a thousand pounds which he spent or lost in three weeks ,the author arranged this plot.I think Ben Gunn was a great people.He carried on carrying the gold and finally succeeded in it.This was a great thing and we should learn this ,keeping doing one thing.In my opinion, maybe Ben Gunn didn\\'t regard money as important as life, so he spent it quickly and found a job as a gatekeeper, and leaded a normal life.