《金银岛》观后感怎么写?( 二 )

In the book ,there was a little boy named Jim Hawkins.This boy was a very clever boy.He was brave and he could do things without afraid.The most important is he washonest and he was a person who could trust forever.This kind of person ,I think is very popular in our society.Now the society is a developing thing and people become more and more snobbish.Money maybe the headline rule.Perhaps the time the author lives is just a society without fast developing but money.Therefore, he put all his hopes into this character.He hoped that the society could have this kind of person.Let\\'s talk about some of his achievements.The boy was independent ,he could leave his parents ,going to the sea with some people who were not known well.When he met with bad guys ,he could keep clam and mixed with these people.He knew how to save himself.A littleboy with such an amazing mind ,it is indeed something rare and deserved praise.That is where I appreciate him, so do you.Though the boy is great, the people around him were also important.One id doctor Livesey, his character is just like a wise man .He could think all the things very carefully and deeply.He knew that how to make enemies misunderstood.He had much experiences,I think if the doctor is a bad guy ,maybe all the treasurers would in trouble.Luckily, the author put the doctor in a good way.It is exciting.
After reading this book ,first I look forward to this expedition.In peaceful life ,we don\\'t have such an exciting experience and our parents can\\'t allow us do like that.Secondly ,I should learn from that boy ,we just like the flowers in the greenhouse.We haven\\'t experience
学院:英语学院班级:T 0902姓名:吕添学号:2101090210
the adventure ,so we only can learnfrom the book .Thirdly ,the most important is we must be honest and keep our words.It is very neceary for us to stand in this society.


这个学期,我读了一本很有意思的书,书名叫《金银岛》 。
这本书讲的是:吉姆家的酒店里来了一位奇怪的客人——“老船长” 。这位“老船长”喜欢喝酒,不料竟因喝酒过量而死在酒店里 。吉姆从“老船长”身上发现了藏宝图,于是一场轰轰烈烈的寻宝开始了 。可是,在寻宝的过程中,正直的吉姆、医生这群人,碰到了一帮无法无天的海盗 。这些海盗让本来就困难重重的寻宝,又似雪上加霜 。最终,正直的人们得到了许许多多的宝藏,而那些海盗,则只得到了微不足道的一袋金币 。
读完这本书,我仔细思考了一下,发现有一些人被财宝冲昏了头脑 。比如书中的赛尔威,他带领着一帮海盗假意跟着吉姆、医生这些正直的人,而等到有了财宝,他就没有再等吉姆,而是自己去掠夺这些财宝 。不过心术不正的人总不会有好下场的,当赛尔威和那些海盗来到埋着宝藏的地方是,才发现宝藏已经被医生这一帮正直的人挖走了 。在极度危险的'情况下,吉姆时刻保持着清醒的头脑,沉着冷静 。比如说当吉姆钻进苹果桶的时候,听到了赛尔威和那帮海盗的对话时 。我想,如果换了我,先不说听到了那么恐怖的对话,就是让我一个人在黑乎乎的苹果桶里待上那么一小会儿,我都会害怕,更别说听到那段对话了 。所以我非常的佩服吉姆的勇气 。