51、我没见过你 , 但我祝福你 。
As your blood is donated and those in its anticipation will May god ble you although we are foreign to each other.be more hopeful
52、美丽的生命 , 从你卷起袖子开始!
When you roll up your sleeve, a precious life is saved.
13、一份血 , 万份情 , 无偿献血最光荣 。
A drop of blood donated by you means your great
53、无偿献血奉献爱心 , 拯救生命风雨无阻 。benevolence, and therefore blood donors are most glorious.Donating your blood not only shows your affection, but also
saves human life under any circumstance,.
The glory of blood donation consists in affection and
54、枯草清水浇 , 滴血润新生 。
coverage.Just as withered gra is nurtured by clean water, a new life
15、捐献可以再生的血液 , 挽救濒临死亡的生命 。is nurtured by blood donated.
Please donate your regenerative blood to help those lives in
55、献出血液骨髓对健康无碍 , 激起人生脉搏对社会有jeopardy.功 。
Risk-free to your health, donating your blood or marrow
16、无偿献血——健康公民的标志 。
Blood donation is what symbolizes a healthy citizen.can help saving human life, thereby being a great bleing
17、无偿献血 , 既为今天的别人 , 又为明天的我们 。to the society.
Blood donation is helpful not only to the current patients,
56、我憧憬文明 , 我追求奉献 , 我由衷献血 。
but also to yourself in the future.I donate my blood sincerely because I am dedicated to
promoting the civilization andmaking some contributions
18、点点滴滴热血浓 , 人道博爱处处情 。
Drops of blood donated show that there is affection and to the society.
humanity everywhere in this world.
57、但愿人长久 , 热血注心田 。
19、你想为社会做点贡献吗?你愿为他人献点爱心吗?It is a great bleing to the patient when your blood is
If you want to make some contribution to the society, or
58、民族在无私的奉献中崛起 , 生命在奔腾的热血里绵help others with affection, please donate your blood.延 。
Just as a people can rise with unselfish contribution made 20、献血献爱心 , 血浓情更浓
Blood donor is full of affection which is more invaluable by its member, life is maintained and prolonged with the and important than the blood.vigorous and energetic blood.
21、为何血浓于水 , 因有爱在其中 。
59、无偿捐血做善事 , 救死扶伤显爱心 。
With affection the blood is more invaluable and importantAs a blood donor you show your benevolence and than water.affection by helping people in urgent need of blood.
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