献血宣传标语写法怎么样?( 五 )

22、无偿献血行善积德60、救护他人 , 幸福自己 。
More blood donated, more virtue and merit accumulated.When you help others, you can also be very happy.
23、献血 , 从我做起!6
1、捐献“青春热血” , 彩绘人生画卷 。
By donating your young and vigorous blood,Let’s every citizen begin blood donation now.
your life can be more interesting and appealing.
24、无偿献血 , 利国利民利家 。
Blood donation is good for the people, family and nation.6
2、因为有你 , 我会用美好的心灵去感悟生活的每一天!
I will meditate about everyday of my life in a good spirit
Let’s pay tribute to those brave and self-giving blood because of you.
3、捐血救人 , 珍爱生命!
Life is precious and please donate your blood to save
26、无偿献血者功德无量 。
The virtue and merit of blood donors is immeasurable and human life.
4、同在蓝天下 , 共享生命的感动!
Please share and enjoy the happine of life under the
27、鲜血诚可贵 , 助人价更高 。
Helping others with precious blood is very invaluable and same blue sky.
5、荐我热血点燃他人生命之光 。
The blood donated by you can save the life of others, just as
28、人有旦夕祸福 , 谁改说:我不要输血?
No one can be so sure of his immunity against misfortune a match can ignite the candle.
and catastrophe as he dare to say that he does not need 6
blood forever.Promote human life with your benevolence.
29、每人献出一滴血 , 将汇成生命海洋 。6
7、好人献上一滴血 , 病者除却万分忧 。
If everyone is a blood donor, the blood donated will be A drop of blood donated by a kind-hearted person can converged into a sea of life.remove much worry and anxiety of the patient.
30、无偿献血 , 终生荣耀 。6
8、点滴奉献筑造爱心工程 , 伟大义举塑造深圳形象 。Blood donors are glorious for their whole life.A project of benevolence can be constructed by drops of
donation, while the image of ShenZhen can be promoted
31、献血一为你 , 为我 , 为大家 。
Blood donors help everyone.by your great feat.
32、鲜血诚宝贵 , 救人品更高 。6
9、我自豪 , 因为我已献血 。
Helping others with precious blood is very invaluable and I am proud of being a blood donor.
laudable.70、奉献一点 , 让人生完美一点 。
The more contribution you make, the more perfect your life
33、“献血不可怕 , 只需小小勇气”