英文简历SUPER技巧范文有没有?( 三 )

Out:Resumes that are "grey," with large chunks of unbroken text that require recruiters to slow down.Chances are they won’t take the time.错误的做法:不起眼的简历,一大段文字还不分段,招聘 人员要慢慢去看 。很可能他们不会浪费这个时间 。
3.In:A customized resume.Tailor every resume you send out for the job you’re seeking.
好正确的做法:定制的简历 。为你应聘的每个职位定制简历 。
Out:A cookie-cutter approach: same resume for every job.These were from the days before home computers,when changing a resume was a really big deal.
错误的做法:一刀切的方法:每个职位发送的简历都是一样 。这种是家庭计算机还没有普及时候的做法,因为那时候改简历确实是非常麻烦的事情 。
4.In:A two-to-three-page resume when you really need the space.
正确的做法:如果真的很有必要的话,两三页的简历是可以的 。
Out:A one-page resume when you really need two or three pages.
错误的做法:在你非常需要两三页简历说明的时候压缩成一页 。
7 Hints for Evaluating Your Resume
Fashion changes,and resume styles change,too.If you have solidskills and work experience but your resume isn’t getting any bites,you might need a resume makeover.
时尚改变了,简历的风格也改变了 。如果你有很强的实力,丰富的工作经验,但是你的简历没有任何优势的话,你可能就需要装饰装饰你的简历了 。
Take a free resume test to see if your resume has what it takes to pa the 10-second scan and get results.And check out the "what’s in,what’s out" info below to help make your resume more cutting-edge.
做一下免费的测试,看看你的简历是否能够通过10秒的浏览,并引起 面试 官的注意 。并参照以下专家的几条关于哪些是好的做法哪些是错误的做法的建议,来帮你打造更具优势的简历:
1.In: A profeional summary at the top of your resume.This sells you like nothing else on your resume does.
正确的做法:在你的简历顶部放上一段专业概要 。简历上没有什么比这个更有卖点了 。
Out:An objective statement at the top of your resume.Nothing says "outdated" like an objective.
错误的做法:在简历顶部放一段目标宣言 。没有什么比目标宣言更土了 。
"Ditch it immediately," advises Jack Williams,vice president of national sales and recruiting for Staffing Technologies,in Atlanta.Employers don’t care what a potential hire wants to do."They care whether they can do what the employer needs them to do," he says.
Jack Williams是亚特兰大Staffing Technologies公司的国际销售和 招聘 副总裁,他建议说:“马上删除掉 。雇主不会关心一位候选人想要做什么 。他们关心的是该候选人能否按照他们的需求去做 。”