
1、蝴蝶有复眼吗对于昆虫来说,复眼的作用就是可以让它在空中捕获食物,还能说是主要的视觉器官,那么蝴蝶有复眼吗?蝴蝶有复眼,一般都是在蝴蝶头部,占据着很突出的位置,可以方便它更好去捕捉食物 , 碰到危险的时候也能更快逃生 。蝴蝶有一对复眼,有趋光性,由一万五千多的小眼睛组合起来 , 呈现出来六角形的楔状 , 上面有些大,下面尖,每个小眼睛的侧面,彼此之间都会相互紧密在一起 。另外在每个小眼睛上面都有角膜和色素细胞等,属于很独立的感光单位 。


2、蝴蝶有多少只眼睛?两只复眼 , 每只复眼有很多小的单眼 , 种类不同而数目不同 。一般在100只以上 。
As do all insects, butterflies and moths have a hard outer covering, or exoskeleton, that supports and protects the body. Also typical of insects, lepidopterans possess a body divided into three main parts—head, thorax, and abdomen—and have three pairs of jointed legs.
The small, round head protects the lepidopteran’s brain and bears the insect’s sensory organs and mouthparts. Butterflies and moths have a pair of large, oval, compound eyes, each made up of thousands of individual lenses, or ommatidia. In spite of the many lenses, the lepidopteran eye is thought to see a single, reasonably clear image. In addition to the spectrum of colors from red to violet that humans can see, butterflies and moths can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light.
Luna Moth
The full-grown luna moth has transparent circles bordered by light yellow and blue rings on its light green wings. Luna moths reproduce twice a year and eat the leaves of trees in the deciduous forests they inhabit. Now endangered because of contaminated food sources and pesticides, the luna moth is found only in North America.
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Animals Animals/Breck P. Kent
Two antennae protrude from the head. The antennae are covered with many small pits that serve as smelling organs, enabling the butterfly or moth to locate food sources by scent. Scent also plays a role in lepidopteran mating. The antennae of many male moths, equipped with elaborate side bristles, resemble feathers or ferns and are thought to give the moths a particularly sharp sense of smell, enabling them to locate females from several kilometers away. The function of the knobs on the ends of butterfly antennae is not fully understood. But butterflies lacking one antenna tend to fly in circles, which suggests that the knobs may play a role in orientation.
The lepidopteran’s mouth is located between its eyes. When it is not feeding, the butterfly or moth keeps its tongue, or proboscis, curled up below its face. The animal can uncoil the proboscis, which functions like a drinking straw, and insert it into flowers and other food sources. The proboscis may vary in length from a fraction of an inch to a foot or more. A few moths, such as the giant silk moths, have no functional mouthparts, and one family of tiny moths has jawlike structures called mandibles instead of a proboscis. These moths use their mandibles for chewing pollen grains.
Homerus Swallowtail
The large wings and long, tail-like shapes on the hindwings of this Homerus swallowtail butterfly, Papilo homerus, are characteristic of many species in its family, as is its contrasting light/dark coloration. Due to overcollection, the Homerus, unique to Jamaica, is now an endangered species.
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The thorax, or middle body part, of a butterfly or moth is the thickest of the body segments. It contains the powerful flight muscles and bears the legs and wings. The six legs are attached to the underside of the thorax. Each lepidopteran foot bears a pair of claws, used for clinging to perches, and hairlike structures responsible (along with the proboscis) for the sense of taste. If the front feet of a butterfly are touched with a small brush dipped in a very weak sugar solution, the butterfly will uncoil its proboscis and attempt to feed because the tasting hairs on its feet sense food.
The wings—two forewings and two hind wings—originate from the sides of the thorax. A lepidopteran’s wings are large in proportion to its body and very thin. The wings are made of two membranes with a network of stiff veins between the layers. The scales covering the wings give butterflies and moths their distinctive colors and patterns. Scales may contain pigments like those found in skin or fabric that give them their color. Ridges and furrows on the scales may also diffract light like a prism, producing metallic and iridescent hues called structural colors. The scales rub off easily when a lepidopteran’s wings are touched.
The third body part, the abdomen, is tubelike in shape and usually consists of ten segments. Inside the abdomen are the lepidopteran’s heart, respiratory and digestive systems, and reproductive organs. The heart, a muscular tube that runs the length of the abdomen, pumps blood toward the front of the body. Oxygen enters the body through six to seven pairs of breathing holes known as spiracles, located on the sides of the abdomen. The spiracles are connected to a network of tubules called tracheae, which deliver oxygen to the tissues. In females, the reproductive organs take up most of the abdomen. Their abdomens tend to be fuller and blunter than those of the males because of the large number of eggs inside.
The smallest butterflies are certain blues that have wingspans of a mere 0.7 cm (0.25 in). The largest are the female giant birdwings of Papua New Guinea, which measure up to 30 cm (12 in) across. Moths range in size from tiny Microlepidoptera, several groups of small moths with wings no more than 0.16 cm (0.06 in) across, to giant silk moths, such as the atlas moth, which may exceed 30 cm (12 in) in wingspan.
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蝴蝶的眼睛是可以看到东西的 。不过在他们眼中的世界和我们人类眼中的世界是完全两样的 。首先他没有色彩 。具研究,蝴蝶的眼睛只能看到黑白两色 。
并且对光很敏感 。在紫外线照射下,蝴蝶会对白、红、紫(蓝)和黄色的物体(比如花朵)很敏感 。
蝴蝶有一对复眼,是由一万五千多只小眼睛组成的 。他们都呈六角形的楔状 , 上面大,下面尖,每只小眼睛的侧面都是互相紧密贴在一起的 。

3、为什么蝴蝶是复眼蝴蝶属于鳞翅目,复眼利于其在空中生存捕食,是昆虫的主要视觉器官,通常在昆虫的头部占有突出的位置 。多数昆虫的复眼呈圆形、卵圆形或肾形 。
每个小眼都有角膜、晶椎、色素细胞、视网膜细胞、视杆等结构 , 是一个独立的感光单位 。轴突从视网膜细胞向后伸出,穿过基膜汇合成视神经 。
一些节肢动物的复眼中含有色素细胞 , 光线强时色素细胞延伸,只有直射的光线可以射到视杆,为视神经所感受,斜射的光线被色素细胞吸收 , 不能被视神经感受 。
:光线弱时,色素细胞收缩,这样通过每个小眼射入的光线,除直射的光线到达视杆,光线还可通过折射进入其他小眼,使附近每个小眼内的视杆都可以感受相邻几个小眼折射的光线 。
这样在光线微弱时,物体也能成像 。家蝇的复眼约由4000个小眼组成,蝶、蛾类的复眼约有28000个小眼 。
小眼面的大小,不但在不同种的昆虫中不同,而且同一个复眼中不同部位的小眼面也可不同,如雄性牛虻,复眼背面的小眼面较大 。
昆虫的复眼由许多小眼组成,但它们的视力远不如人类的好 , 蜻蜓可以看到1~2米,苍蝇只能看到40~70毫米 。最大优势是对于移动物体的反应却十分敏感 , 当一个物体突然出现时,蜜蜂只要0.01秒就能做出反应 。捕食性昆虫对移动物体反应能力更加迅速敏捷.昆虫复眼也是眼 , 肯定起视觉作用 , 即成像能力一般昆虫仅能辨别出近距离的物体,特别是运动着的物体 。对昆虫很重要,对其觅食,求偶,避敌,休眠,滞育 , 决定行为方向等都有重要作用 。优势很少:因为其复眼占的面积很大,所视觉范围比人类的宽 , 甚至可达360度;另外其感光光谱比人类的宽一些,为253-700nm,可对一定波长的红外光产生生物电位,引起视觉反应 。
复眼是无脊椎动物中的甲壳类、昆虫类和其他一些节肢动物头的两侧各有1只能感受物体的形状、大小和颜色的视觉器官 。
【蝴蝶有复眼吗,蝴蝶有复眼吗】每1只复眼是由少数(如蚊为50个)或多数(如天蛾27000多个)“小眼”组成的 。每只小眼呈长管状,表面为透明的六角形角膜,内连视觉细胞和神经,小眼周围有色素细胞 。复眼中的小眼越多,越能辨别物像、颜色和人眼所不能见到的短光波 。

4、蝴蝶为什么有一只眼睛是假的呢有什么作用的蝴蝶只有一对复眼,你说的所谓假眼其实是位于蝴蝶后翅臀角的眼状斑 , 这种特征在灰蝶科尤为明显,而且眼状斑的下方一般还有一对尾凸 , 它们与眼状斑一起酷似蝴蝶的眼睛和触角,可以构成绝妙的伪装,其目的就是躲避天敌 , 很多取食蝴蝶的鸟类会误认为后翅才是头部从而进行攻击,而这样并不会威胁到蝴蝶的生命,因此你会发现很多灰蝶的后翅都有所破损,这就是它们成功骗过天敌的证据 。
这张图片是从一只灰蝶的正后方拍摄的,可以看到它后翅的眼斑和尾凸形状与头部极为近似 。

5、蝴蝶有眼睛吗?你好!网上查找的!希望能帮到你!望采纳!谢谢!蝴蝶没有像人类一样的眼皮,可以眨动 , 而且蝴蝶的眼睛结构很特别(稍后讲到),所以蝴蝶不会眨眼 。那么蝴蝶的眼睛是怎么样的呢?蝴蝶的眼睛并不像人的眼睛一眼,一边只有一只眼睛 。其实蝴蝶的眼睛由许许多多的小眼睛构成的 。这些小小的眼睛就像电视里屏幕的像素点一样,不过 , 这些小小的眼睛比像素点小的多,以致我们用肉眼看不出来 。蝴蝶的每一只小眼睛 , 我们习惯把它称为单眼,许许多多的单眼组构成一起的大眼睛我们叫做复眼(也就是我们看到蝴蝶的眼睛) 。蝴蝶的每一只单眼看的范围很小 , 许许多多的单眼构成的复眼可以看到的范围很大,可以看到眼前以中心为点,一百九十度为视角圆锥以上的东西,像雷达一样时刻的监控着四面八方 。每一只单眼呈六角形的楔状,上面大,下面尖 , 就像玉米一样,有顺序的排列在一起,每一粒玉米都和玉米的杆子连接在一起 , 和蝴蝶单眼连接在一起的是神经 。蝴蝶的每一只单眼中,都包括了眼角莫,眼角膜细胞 , 晶体和视杆 。蝴蝶的眼角膜和人类的眼角膜一样,像凸透镜一样,可以起到滤光、成像的作用,起到保护作用,避免了光线伤害到自己 。蝴蝶的一个复眼包含着由一万五千多只以上的单眼 。是否看了这篇文章之后,还有其他问题要问呢?比如,蝴蝶的不眨眼睛怎么睡觉的,蝴蝶怎么看东西的 。。。一个一个来,也可以在留言板向我提问 。蝴蝶是怎么睡觉的?蝴蝶是变温动物 , 它的活动受温度的影响 。一般情况下,太高的温度和低温它都不活动的,只有适和温度才活跃 , 活动曲线像“几”字形一样 。晚上或者温度高的时候,蝴蝶会找比较密麻的树下休息(这种地方湿度一般比较大) 。由于受温度和体内机能的影响 , 身体的各个细胞就处于休眠状态,眼睛也一样 。蝴蝶睡觉了,所以这个时候蝴蝶是很容易被抓到的 。蝴蝶可以看到东西吗?可以的!不过蝴蝶高度近视,它的可见范围只有一米,它对一米以内的移动的物体很敏感 。根据科学证明 , 在昆虫的世界了,蝴蝶是唯一能辨别简单颜色的昆虫,所以蝴蝶会选择不同颜色的花进行采蜜 。蝴蝶的眼睛可以感受到温度,湿度的变化吗?可以,但是不是很敏感,蝴蝶的温度,湿度器官主要在触角上!
蝴蝶的眼睛是可以看到东西的 。不过在他们眼中的世界和我们人类眼中的世界是完全两样的 。首先他没有色彩 。具研究 , 蝴蝶的眼睛只能看到黑白两色 。并且对光很敏感 。在紫外线照射下,蝴蝶会对白、红、紫(蓝)和黄色的物体(比如花朵)很敏感 。
还有一个很好的例子就是蝴蝶与蛾类一样具有趋光性 蝴蝶有一对复眼 , 是由一万五千多只小眼睛组成的 。他们都呈六角形的楔状,上面大,下面尖,每只小眼睛的侧面都是互相紧密贴在一起的 。
有亲爱滴,你现在试试,昨天平安深圳总部受台风影响,所以网络断了,今天12:00刚修复 。
蝴蝶有复眼 。