dark是什么意思( 三 )

“Under the earth, in the flat, dark air, the wet, gloomy rock gave quarter grudgingly” (Jimmy Breslin) The word can also denote deepness of shade or color (
“在地下,在死气沉沉的、阴暗的空气里,潮湿阴郁的石头不情愿地分开 (吉米·布雷斯林) 。这个单词也能表示阴影或颜色的深度(
dark brown),absence of cheer (
a dark, somber mood),or lack of rectitude:
不高兴、忧郁的情绪) 或缺乏正直:
“It [gold]serves what life requires,/But dreadful too, the dark Assassin hires”(Alexander Pope)
“它 为生活的需要服务,但是也是可怕的,成为邪恶的暗杀团体成员的雇金”(亚历山大教皇) 。
Dimsuggests lack of clarity of outline, as of physical entities or mental processes such as recollection:
“life and the memory of it cramped,/dim, on a piece of Bristol board” (Elizabeth Bishop); it can also apply to a source of light to indicate insufficiency:
“生活及其回忆在一块上等板纸上束缚着、模糊着” (伊丽莎白大主教);它也能用于被表示不足光线的来源:
“storied Windows richly dight,/Casting a dim religious light” (John Milton)
“以历史故事装饰富丽堂皇的窗户,投射了一丝模糊的宗教光线” (约翰·米尔顿) 。
Murkyimplies darkness, often extreme, such as that produced by smoke or fog:
“an atmosphere murky with sand”(Willa Cather)
由沙子导致的黑暗气氛 (威拉·凯瑟) 。
“The path was altogether indiscernible in the murky darkness which surrounded them”(Sir Walter Scott) Figuratively it can imply dark vagueness:
“这条小径被围绕在漆黑中难以辨别” (沃尔特·斯科特爵士) 。它能象征性地暗示不明确、朦胧模糊:
“the narrow crevice of one good deed in a murky life of guilt” (Charles Dickens)
“在罪恶糊涂的一生中,仅有的一件好事” (查尔斯·狄更斯) 。
Duskyapplies principally to the dimness that is characteristic of diminishing light, as at twilight:
Dusky主要指以逐渐减弱的光线为特点的暗淡 , 如黎明时:
“The dusky night rides down the sky,/And ushers in the morn” (Henry Fielding); it often refers to deepness of shade of a color:
“黑夜驱走了天空/带来了早晨” (亨利·菲尔?。凰V敢跤盎蜓丈纳疃龋?
“A dusky blush rose to her cheek” (Edith Wharton)
“红晕的羞愧涌上她的面颊” (伊迪斯·华顿) 。
Obscureusually means unclear to the mind or senses (
Obscure通常意思是思乡或感觉不清晰 (
an obscure communiqué requiring clarification),but it can refer to physical darkness (