文化,用英语怎么说( 四 )

总之,在英语教学中不能只单纯注意语言教学 , 而必须加强语言的文化导入,重视语言文化差异及对语言的影响 。只有这样 , 才能在实际中正确运用语言 。
按照剑桥大学以马内利学院的前院长Don Cupitt(1997 , p 22-23)考证,英文中的“culture”源自拉丁文的动词colo, colere, colui, cultum 等词 。在拉丁文中 , 这些词的意思是“to till the ground, to tend and care for” 。由此来看,早在拉丁文中 , 这些现代英语中的“culture”一词的拉丁文中的“远祖们”,已有当代西方人使用它时所含有的许多意思,其中包括栽培,培养 , 驯养,耕种,照管等等 。这些涵义概括起来就是,通过人工劳作 , 将自然界的野生动植物加以驯化和培养,使之成为符合人类需要的品种 。因此,Cupitt认为,从一开始,“culture”就意指被(人所)熟识(familiarized)、驯化和培育过的世界的镜像 。用古罗马法学家西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero)的话来说,“culture”意指“第二自然” 。由此也可以看出,在西方人的语思语境中 , “culture”源自自然,又区别于自然,人化自然或自然的人化均可被视作为“culture” 。//后来,在西方人对“culure”一词实际使用中,它的涵义不断扩展,以致于“culture”的后来的涵义不仅包扩土地的“cultivation”(耕作)即农业 , 也包括各种各样的家室中植物的栽培,宠物的驯化,个人技能、人格、品德和心灵的“修炼”功夫,以及人际间关系和友谊的培养(在西方人的心目中这些活动被人们理解为“low culture”),以及艺术、科学以及“cult”即对诸神祉的关注、照料、供奉和膜拜(这些活动在西方人的眼中被视为“high culture”) 。这样 , 在西方人的使用中,“culture”就从原来的人对自然本身的照管、驯化,逐渐申引为对人自身本能状态的教化、培养和“修身”的工夫和活动,以及对人与人之间的关系的培养和照料活动 。尽管如此,“culture”一词本来所含蕴的人对自然的照料和驯化的意思,仍然还存留在这个词的西方现代语义之中
文化,天地万物(包括人)的信息的产生融汇渗透(的过程) 。下面是我给大家整理的一些英语范文 , 供大家参阅!
On an introduction to Chinese and western culture of appreciation
Culture is a unique human spiritual phenomenon, as a symbol system, which constitutes the essential difference between man and animal, it is to humanity as a carrier, is a property of humanity, and humanity perish We can say that culture is the main designer and bearers of the human spirit, the human self-consciousness highest cohesion
The Chinese culture and western culture differences reflected in many ways 。For example, food, clothing, music, architecture…First of all, the Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial China's history and strongly influenced other countries in East Asia But the America culture as the representative of western culture, the thought foundation are derived from the European Renaissance, the source is the culture in ancient Greece and Rome, Christian influence is far-reaching, the value of individual freedom and rights, pay attention to the practice and exploration Second, Western culture is based on individualism But Chinese culture is based on masses (collectivism) For example, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self In China, we prefer noodles, rice , JiaoZi as the main course But In west countries, people