如何尊敬老师的作文一百字10篇( 三 )

您好!随着金秋来临,我们迎来了又一个新学年 。
秋天的果园果实累累 。回想刚刚过去的一学期,我的期末考试也取得了优秀的成绩 。要知道,一年前我还是班里的“淘气包”,怎么会一下子进步这么快呢?这里面包含着您对我的多少关心、教导啊!
记得四年级下半学期,在第一单元测试时,我竟出乎意料地荣获全班第二——96分!特别是测试中的那篇作文《公园里的春天》更是突出,得了满分 。您当着全班同学的面夸奖了我,并让我在课堂上读自己的文章,还在作文上写了个大大的“优” 。这件小事儿激发了我写作的兴趣爱好,使我对每篇作文更加用心了 。您还时不时地在我的作文上写上“优”、“good”、“进步很快”、“真棒”等鼓励、赞扬性的评语 。同时,您也时常对我说:“不要骄傲,下次要写得更好!”俗话说:“良言一句三冬暖 。”正是您的评语使我对语文产生了浓厚的兴趣,在期末大考时我获得了语文“免考”权 。
您不仅教我学习、写作,还让我尝到了做“小演员”的乐趣 。记得“英语节”快到时,学校要举行演出,我们班演“拔苗助长”的英语剧,其中只有一个男主角,演“农夫” 。您将这个宝贵的机会给了我 。放学后,您顾不上喝口茶、歇歇脚,就尽心尽力地教我念会每一个单词,手把手地教会我做每一个动作,就这样一直排练了几个星期 。
“英语节”到了,该我们上场时,我的心里像装了只小兔似的“砰、砰”乱跳,这时,我看见您投来了鼓励的眼神,我一下子放松下来,全身心投入到“农夫”这个角色中去 。果然不负众望,得了个“三等奖” 。
翁老师,一路上有您的指导,我才不会迷失方向;一路上有您的关注,我才更加自信努力 。您把绿色的春天都给了别人,那么在这金灿灿的秋天里,请留下我最美好的祝福,祝您永远健康快乐!
In this picture, we can see a teacher walking difficultly in the heavy rain. Then, a car is passing by. One of his students is in it. Seeing his teacher, the student says goodbye to his teacher.
When I looking at the picture, a question comes into my mind: how to respect teachers? yes, the student doesn’t forget to say goodbye to his teacher, but the teacher is still walking in the heavy rain. To respect his teacher, he should ask his parents to stop the car, and pick up his teacher. we shouldn’t just only say, we should use our actions to show respect.
As we know, a lot of teachers work very hard. But they only get low salaries. I think, the government must pay more attention to the teachers, and raise their salaries. Then, the teachers will not worry about their lives and teach their students better.