新年愿望的英文|New Year Resolution 新年愿望

新年愿望的英文(New Year Resolution 新年愿望)菜鸟学英语2020-08-13 22:01:00
新年愿望的英文|New Year Resolution 新年愿望

1.先泛听一遍下面的音频,然后记录下自己没有听出来的单词或者连读,然后再听几遍,直到自己把能听懂的全部都听懂为止,剩下的就是新知识啦 。
2.可以边听边滑动文本,进行精听校对,弄懂所有生词、表达以及连读的地方 。
3.闭上眼睛,再次盲听,感受自己的进步 。

New Year Resolution.mp31:08来自菜鸟学英语

New Year Resolution (B0026)A: So, did I tell 百思特网you about my New Year's resolution?I've decided to go on a diet.
所以,我有跟你说过我的新年愿望吗?我决定节食 。
B: And you're going to completely transform your eating habits, right?
A: Exactly! I'm going to cut out all that junk I eat; no more chips, no more soda, no more fried food.
B: I've heard this one before.

【新年愿望的英文|New Year Resolution 新年愿望】

A: But this time I'm going to stick to it. I really mean it ! Trust me, Carol, I'm going to be a new man in one year's time!
B: Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
好吧,我想我将拭目以待 。
A: Thanks, honey, that was a great meal. I'm stuffed.Do we have any chips left?
Key Vocabularydiet ——eating plan to help you lose weight
transform 百思特网—— change
cut out —— remove, eliminate
stick to —— continue doing something
wait and see —— remain in a state in which百思特网 you expect something to happen, and see if it does
stuffed—— filled with food; no longer hungry
Supplementary Vocabularycalorie ——unit of energy in food
vegetarian ——person who does not eat meat
fast food ——food that is prepared and served quickly (i.e.McDonald's, KFC,Burger King, etc.)
work out —— exercise at a gym
lifestyle change —— change the way you live

新年愿望的英文|New Year Resolution 新年愿望