掩耳盗铃的道理( 二 )

【成语用法】作谓语、定语、状语;指自欺欺人;含贬义 。
Plug One' s Ears While Stealing a Bell
Once upon a time there was a very foolish thief 。Do you know what he did one day well he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbor' s door 。He walked up to the door took hold of the bell and pulled hard 。The bell made a very loud noise 。The thief was frightened and ran home 。Then he sat down to think 。"I must do something about the noise " he said 。He thought and thought 。At last he had an idea 。"Ah I' ll put some cotton in my ears 。Then I won't be able to hear the noise 。" The next day he went to the door of his neighbor' s house and took hold of the bell 。This time he pulled even harder 。The bell rang loudly but the thief did not hear anything 。With another hard pull he got the bell out 。Just then the neighbor came running out 。
"Steal my bell I' ll teach you a lesson " the angry man shouted and he hit the thief on the nose 。
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell 。"Why did he e out just then " he wondered 。