
面试英语口语(英语面试常用口语900句)英语周报2020-07-27 18:02:00

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VOA美国之音圈主:英语周报64成员进入圈子工作中难免会遇到英文面试 , 那一般会涉及哪些问题 , 以及该如何得体的回答呢?今天我们就一起来过一下 , 不要让英文成为自己拿到心仪offer的障碍!


name 姓名
birth date 出生日期
native place 籍贯
nationality 民族 , 国籍
marital status 婚姻状况
citizenship 国籍
family status 家庭状况
accomplish 完成(任务等)
part-time job 兼职
social practice 社会实践
occupational history 工作经历
minor 副修
excellent leader 优秀干部
curriculum 全部课程
scholarship 奖学金
student council 学生会
expiry of employment 雇用期满
refresher course 进修课程
prospects of promotion 晋升前景
close-down 倒闭
educational background 教育背景
position desired 希望职位
educational highlights 课程重点部分

I come to apply for the position of office secretary.
我是来应聘办公室秘书一职的 。
I’m still single and live with my parents.
我未婚 , 和父母住在一起 。
I’m a local resident.
我是本地居民 。
I have a wide range of hobbies.
我兴趣广泛 。
This job is a good fit for me.
这份工作很适合我 。
I’m very interested in your company’s training program.
我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣 。
Your company offers the most attractive salary.
贵公司提供了最具吸引力的薪资 。
I think your company has a bright future.
我认为贵公司前景光明 。
I gained a great deal of experience in the past three years.
在过去三年间我获得了丰富的经验 。
I’m sorry that I have no experience in this field.
很抱歉 , 我在这方面没什么经验 。
My responsibilities include typing and answering the phones.
我的职责包括打字和接电话 。
I once introduced an advanced product line, which increased the output.
我曾经引进了一条先进的生产线 , 使产量得到了提升 。
My major is International Trade.
我的专业是国际贸易 。
I was elected Excellent League Member for three successive academic years.
我连续三学年被选为优秀团员 。
I was president of our school’s speech club.
我是我们学校演讲社的社长 。
I’百思特网ve received an Engineer’s Qualification Certificate.
我获得了工程师资格证书 。
I am hoping to get an offer of a better position.
我希望能获得一份更好的工作 。
The company was downsizing and I got laid off.
公司正字精简机构 , 而我被裁员了 。
I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling” in my current job.
我觉得目前的工作已经达到顶峰 。
I wish to get into the advertising business.
我希望向广告业发展 。
What is your anticipated salary?
I expect to be paid according to my abilities.
我希望能根据我的能力支付薪资 。
With my experiences, I’d like to start at 4,000 yuan a month.
以我的经验 , 我希望起薪是4000元 。
The job offers you 4,000 yuan a month plus accommodation.
这个职位月薪4000元 , 包括住宿 。
What makes you think you would be a success in this position?
My strong points are probably managing people and planning.
我的强项应该是管理和企划 。
I am familiar with procedures.
我熟练掌握了工作流程 。
I’m an honest, hardworking and responsible man.