面试英语口语|英语面试常用口语900句( 四 )

B:我希望能根据我的能力支付工资 。
③给自己定价的时候最好定一个浮动的区间 。

A: As for payment, how much do you think you deserve?
B: With my experience, I’d like to start at 4,000 yuan a month.
B:以我的经验 , 我希望起薪是4000元 。


④在越来越开放的人才市场 , 双向选择已是不争的事实 。面试人对薪资待遇主动提出要求也是未尝不可的 。
A: I’d like to ask about the salary. How is it determined??
B: The job offers you 4,000 yuan a month plus accommodation.
A:我想问一下薪水 , 是怎么规定的?
B:这个职位月薪4000元 , 提供住宿 。
A: What makes you think you would be a success in this position?
B: I feel my education background and work experience are a good fit for this position.
B:我认为我的教育背景和工作经验非常适合这个职位 。
②当考官提出类似的问题时 , 可以结合自己的工作和学习经验来谈论自己的竞争优势 。
A: What are you good at?
B: My strong points are probably managing people and planning.
B:我的强项应该是管理和企划 。
③面对众多竞争者 , 替面试官想出一个合理的雇佣你的理由是必要的 , 这会让你在面试中拔得头筹 。
A: What are you good at?
B: I am familiar with procedures in the last百思特网 company I worked for.
B:在我工作的上一家公司 , 我熟练掌握了工作流程 。
④面试官看似在问亲朋好友对你的评价 , 实则是考察你对自己的看法 。
A: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?
B: They would say Mr. Shen is honest, hardworking and responsible man.
B:他们会说 , 沈先生是位城市、工作努力且负责的人 。
①对于职场新人来说 , 缺乏工作经验是最大的劣势 。这点要实事求是地和面试官讲明 。
A: What’s your greatest weakness?
B: I lack work experience, but I’m sure I can make up it in the future.
B:我缺乏工作经验 , 但我确信自己会在今后的工作中弥补这点的 。
②巧妙地谈及自己的劣势是一门艺术 , 如果毫无保留地坦白自己的“劣行” , 恐怕会把面试官吓跑哦 。
A: What is your biggest weakness?
B: I like to see a job done quickly, and I’m critical if it isn’t.
B:我喜欢看到工作能迅速得到处理 , 不然的话我就会变得苛刻起来 。
③有些时候可以选择一些与工作相关 , 但又无伤大雅的缺点 。
A: What’s your major weak point?
B: I get nervous easily in crowds, but I am getting over it.
B:我在人前容易紧张 , 但是我正在尽力克服 。
A: Do you have any weak points?
B: I'm such a perfectionist.
B:我是一个完美主义者 。

A: Good morning ,I’m the Human Resources Manager. Let’s begin our interview. Could you tell me about yourself?
早上好 。我是人事部经理 。让我们开始面试吧 。能简要自我介绍一下吗?
B: Good morning. It’s a pleasure for me to be here. My name is Jack, and I am a candidate for the position of Manager Assistant.
早上好 。很荣幸能来这里面试 。我叫杰克 , 是来应聘经理助理的 。
A: Well, from your resume, I can see that you have three years’work experience as Manager Assistant. Could you describe the duties of this position?
嗯 , 从你的简历来看 , 你之前有过三年的经理助理经验 。能向我描述一下这个岗位的职责吗?
B: Of course. The position calls for a person with business background and good English skills. Manager Assistant will be responsible for assisting the Chief Manager in all his duties, acting as kind of “right-hand man”