罗马假日观后感如何写?( 七 )

连公主也有自己不喜欢的生活 , 更何况我们呢?
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我看过一部叫做《勇敢传说》的电影 。
在现实生活中我们应该勇敢地为我们真正需要的东西去战斗 。我们也要感谢那些爱我们的人 , 并且珍惜你与他们在一起的时间,互相交流 。更重要的是 , 当你遇到邪恶的东西 , 不要放弃自己 , 沉溺于它 , 要足够勇敢地去与它战斗 。你应该自己做正确的事 。只有这样做 , 你才能获得成功 , 成为真正的勇者 。
篇3:Film Appreciation of Roman Holiday 罗马假日影评
Film Appreciation of Roman Holiday
Movie Synopsis
Roman Holiday is a charming romantic-comedy, bittersweet,a kind of Cinderella tale inis directed by one of Hollywood’s most skillful, distinguished, profeional and eminent directorsan American reportercovering the royal tour in Rome.The story was reportedly based on the real-life Italian adventures of British Prince Margaret.
Film Appreciation
Film is a change in the temporal conversion and audio-visualsucceful movie needs a wide range of visual andinclude the shot,techniques,setting,framing,costume and props,symbols and motifs and so on.
For example,setting is the term used to refer the background of a particularrefers to the use of architectural features to “frame”an action and to imbue it with
9 --- “Million City within a city” and then Roman is throughout the wholethe story continues, all the style of the old buildings located in various parts of the city havesets become alive and vibrant with the story andbuildings, as the film’s set designing, connect each fragment and promote the development of the whole story.
There are some pictures below.
Peck and Hepburn
Costume Coloeum
Film clothing can increase the viewing ofdifferent themes, different content and different times of the movie,actors’ clothes are different.This makes the audience feel more authentic when they watch movies just like looking at things that really happen there.
Hepburn in Roman Holiday was designed with a real princelooks tender and lovely when she wears a
11 --- Design.Advance In Design
张舒倩.浅谈电影中的服装艺术,影视评论,2010 / http:///link?url=u3cggLkICsQPN_dR3mVOZHsYhPEgtZ58o4lHHt0mEoY5nBitoTrt1O9P50DbkyDbGTcGsDpo8k7knp2YVH4Hc78PwFAMU81VQZ-ezf_pZom


花了一个小时用快进的方式把这部电影迅速浏览了一遍 , 我想大意我肯定是知道了 , 除了细节 。
在高中的时候徐老师曾经放过这部电影 , 可惜只看了个开头 , 当初看的时候并没有什么感觉 , 也许是因为年纪还小的缘故 。