投资合同范文有没有?( 七 )



Hong Kong Bai Fu jewelry cultural limited company
Investment join agreement
First party:(ID card)
Second party:
Both parties after amity consultation, investment and finance the related item reach the following agreement:
A, first party voluntarily three go into a second party to invest, amount invested forKyat RMB, from second party on behalf investment and finance, the invest term is an annum.
一、甲方自愿参入乙方投资,投资金额为元人民币,由乙方代为投资理财,投资期限为壹年 。
Two, appropriation of profit and refer time
1.This contract signs of day, first party will three go into to manage finance a capital refer second party.The second party hard implements on behalf complete responsibilities of first party\\'s investment and finance.First party three go into of capital termination after, will return to recover capital invested gold and related yield to the first party by the form of bank transfer in ten work days.
1.本合同签订之日,甲方将参入理财资金交付乙方 。乙方认真履行代为甲方投资理财的全部责任 。甲方参入的资金期满后,将在十个工作日内以银行转帐的形式向甲方返还本金及相关收益 。2.The first party presents second party with a hair Pei original stoneKilogram.The contract signs for 6 months hereafter can apply for extraction
2.甲方赠送乙方毛呸原石公斤 。合同签订6个月以后可申请提取 。
3.the investor entitle to apply for jade brand to become number of a store to the company, the company doesn\\'t need to close to become number
of a fee.
3.投资者有资格向公司申请玉石品牌加盟店,公司免收加盟费 。
4.Company start listing program the investor can have the initiative
application to buy company original share.
4.公司启动上市计划投资人可优先申请购买公司原始股票 。
5.The second party didn\\'t state according to this agreement while
paying second party\\'s principal and interest, from overdue no 1 from
month, 100 decis of 5% thatsupports a sum by monthly pays a penalty
fee.If exceed the time limit to not yet pay for three months, the
accumulate pays a penalty fee, besides which, , the first party has power
termination originally agreement, and request the second party the
额的百分之 5% 每月缴付违约金 。如逾期三个月仍未缴付,除累计缴付违约金
外,甲方有权终止本协议,并要求乙方赔偿损失 。