投资合同范文有没有?( 九 )
5.The second party should exert the whole effort, efficiently of
perform service and obligation;Should obey the law statue and related
policy of China;The no moving capital use for him;Should be responsible
for the specification, accuracy and integrity of the traffic;The authority
with no first party, the second party all under all circumstances can not
transfer according to the obligation of picul that this agreement
的授权,乙方在任何情况下都不得转移基于本协议所应承担的义务 。
Four, the variations of agreement, termination and removal
1.This agreement takes effect term, such as the occurrence irresistible
result in to run agreement, this agreement the auto relieve, A B both
parties all don\\'t undertake homologous economic lo and legal liability;
2.If the second party discovers a first party without authorization the
invest search that the second party provides opinion and operation
inside permit, leak to the others or reveal of, the second party has power
to terminate this agreement unilaterally, Combine from first party
aumption therefore result in of complete economic lo.
经济损失 。
3.The first party invests the behavior violate relevant law, statue but is
terminated by law;The related law adjudication aumption corresponds
a responsibility
Six, settle of dispute
The whole fork concerning this agreement and dispute, both parties pa amity consultation settle, consultation don\\'t become, any a square all can initiate public prosecution to the court of the people inside the People\\'s Republic of China magistracy.
方均可向中华人民共和国辖区内人民法院提起诉讼 。
Seven, other
This agreement don\\'t matter of exerting from both parties together negotiate unanimously after, another line of the agreement for signing supplement 。
本协议未尽事宜由双方共同协商壹致后,另行签订补充协议 。
This agreement is stamped a young man effect by both parties parties
signature .This negotiates one type two, both parties are each tokeep 1.
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