
Beloved leaders:
Xxxx I am a fresh college graduates, profeional financial accounting, I would like to do to your unit and its related accounting work.
University for four years, I not only pay attention to the basic course of study, and emphasis on ability.In school, I pay close attention to time, to study hard in order to complete the outstanding achievements of the basis of the theory of learning.At the same time, I also have plans to take time to read all kinds of books, magazines, are striving to expand their knowledge and keep up with the pace of the era.Apart from the study, out of college, I try to capture every opportunity to exercise, and get along with others at different levels, so that close contact with their own society, the feelings of life, life tastes sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, so that their mature as soon as poible.
Now I want to go to work to your organization so that the theory and practice of knowledge combine, to make their life there is a qualitative leap.
Choice of units, wages and the treatment is not what I consider the first condition.I pay more attention to the overall image of the unit, management, staff morale and the working atmosphere.I believe that is what I am seeking your organization\\'s desired objectives.I am confident the commitment to you: choose me, you will not regret it.


我出生于风景秀美的边陲小城——临江,97年我以优异的成绩考入了吉林工业大学经济管理学院,从此翻开了我人生新的篇章 。入学以来我一直担任班级的团支书,繁忙的工作不仅培养和锻炼了我的工作能力,更加锻炼了我解决问题的能力,使我面临问题的时候能够冷静分析,缜密思考,而这一切对我专业的选择都产生了深刻的影响 。
我在做好本职工作的同时,还积极参加学校组织的各项活动,并鼓励同学参与,为他们出谋划策;在日常生活中,我能够紧密团结同学,我相信集体的力量是强大的,只有大家拧成一股绳,才能把各项工作做好 。
社会主义现代化建设需要的是具有综合素质的管理人才,因此我在学好专业知识的同时,主攻英语和计算机,在英语方面,我加强培养我的听、说、读、写能力;在计算机方面,我从基础知识入手,进一步掌握了OFFICE的各项功能,同时还自学了INTERNET的基本知识,能够灵活加以运用 。在选完专业后,为了拓宽自己的知识面,我还参加了会计电算化的学习,掌握了会计软件的基本应用及EXCEL等应用程序 。为了使自己所学的专业知识能够诨峁嵬ǎ我还研读了MBA有关的案例教材,如战略管理,公司管理,财务管理,资本运营等,并将其运用到自己的实习工作中 。
“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”,我希望贵公司能给我一个施展才华的机会,我一定会努力工作,勤奋学习专业知识,不负公司给我的厚望 。