我的未来世界英语作文怎么写?( 二 )

家家户户都有一辆无污染的太阳能汽车 。如果遇上地震 , 它可以飞起来 , 越过危险路段 。
Every household has a pollution-free solar car. If an earthquake occurs, it can fly up and cross the dangerous section.
我们根本不用一日三餐 , 随身带着几十片纸 。饿了就撕一块吃 。因为它是新发明的纸 , 可以吃 , 还可以有不同的颜色和味道 。
We don't have three meals a day, carrying dozens of paper. When you are hungry, you tore a piece of food. Because it is a new invention, it can be eaten, and it can also have different colors and flavors.
这就是我心中的未来世界 。
This is the future world in my heart.


今天 , 我在家里画了一幅画 , 取名《未来的世界》 。我想:世界上的树木越来越少 , 我们的环境已经被破坏了 , 要是在未来的世界里有一座既会飞又会种树 , 还可以播放音乐的房子就好了 。在房子里 , 一个人来当司机 , 控制方向 , 一个人来播种、施肥、浇水 , 还有一个人坐在房子里面放音乐 , 让种子快快长高 , 它的管子里喷出来的是新鲜空气 , 我们从低处抬头看 , 就像是一个会飞的蘑菇 。
Today, I drew a picture at home and named the world of the future. I think: there are fewer trees in the world, and our environment has been destroyed. If there is a house that can fly and grow trees, and play music in the future world, In the house, a person when the driver, control the direction of a person to sowing, fertilizing, watering, and there was a man sitting in the house playing music, let the seeds grow up quickly, it burst out of the tube in the fresh air, we looked up from the ground, like a flying mushroom.
我希望科学家可以把我画的房子做出来 , 这样 , 我们的世界就会有更多的树木 , 更美的环境了 。
I hope scientists can make the house I paint, so that there will be more trees and a more beautiful environment in our world.


我的未来世界是我说什么就什么 。我非常喜欢吃披萨了 , 可是我才上小学 , 没有钱 。不过 , 这是我的`未来世界 , 我说我要非常多的钱 , 钱就会一下子出现在我的面前 , 这样我就能买很多的披萨了 。
My future world is what I say. I like to eat pizza very much, but I go to primary school and have no money. However, this is my future world, I said I want a lot of money, money will appear in front of me, so I can buy a lot of pizza.
我非常想吃菠萝 , 因为我从来都没吃过菠萝 。我说菠萝出现在我的面前 , 菠萝就会马上出现在我面前 , 而且一分钱也不会花 。作业不用老师教 , 自已五分钟就能做完作业 。这就是我的未来世界!