我的未来世界英语作文怎么写?( 三 )

I want to eat pineapples very much, because I have never eaten pineapples. I say pineapples appear in front of me, pineapples will appear in front of me immediately, and a penny will not be spent. The homework is not taught by the teacher and can finish the homework in five minutes. This is my future world!


我想未来的世界是有人住在月球上 。为什么呢?因为科学发达了 , 科学家能把空气引到月球上 , 月球上有水份了 , 植物可以生长了 。可以种禾苗、苹果树、谷子、大树、西瓜……一到秋天 , 金黄色的谷子向我们点头微笑 。熟透的苹果一大筐一大筐往城里运 , 忙得果农不可开交 。地球上的人生活越来越富裕 , 家家户户都有电视、洗衣机、冰箱还有小汽车 。每个家庭都过上小康的生活 , 天天都是过着快快乐乐的好日子 。
I think the future of the world is that some people live on the moon. Why? Because science is developed, scientists can bring air to the moon. There is water on the moon, and plants can grow. Can the seedlings and the apple tree, millet, trees, watermelon...... In the fall, the Golden Millet nodded to us and smiled. A big basket of ripe apples is carried in a big basket to the city, and the fruit farmers are too busy to make it. People on the earth are getting richer and richer. All families have TV, washing machines, refrigerators and cars. Every family has a well - to-do life, and every day is a good day for happy music.
未来的世界是和平快乐的世界 , 是人人都向往美好的世界 。
The world in the future is a peaceful and happy world, and everyone yearns for a better world.


每个人都有自己心中的未来世界 , 现在让我来告诉你们我心中的未来世界吧 !
Everyone has the future world in his own heart. Now let me tell you about the future world in my heart.
我心中有一个梦想就是在地球上架起一座云梯 , 让我们登上月球 , 看看传说中美丽的嫦娥姑娘 。让更多的人在月球中探索奥秘 。
I have a dream is to set up a ladder on the earth, let us look at the girl on the moon, a beautiful tale. Let more people explore the mysteries in the moon.
我还想要全球人都长有一对白乎乎的翅膀 , 飞上蓝天 。看看天空中美丽的景色 。在傍晚 , 看看一闪一闪的星星 。
I want the world's people are having a pair of white wings, fly in the sky. Look at the beautiful scenery in the sky. In the evening, look at the twinkle stars.
我长大了相当一名宇航员 , 到宇宙去探索奥秘!
I grew up as an astronaut and went to the universe to explore the mysteries!
