
Life is vent, exercise every day, life live!
2、你的康复,就是我的幸福;你的安康,就是我的平安 。你会好起来的!
Your recovery, is happiness; Your well-beinis peace. You'll be fine!
The body is od? Later can pay attention to, the wine is public, but his own body, don't for uth killed the cat ain!
4、运动,是健康的源泉,也是长寿的秘诀 。盼您天天锻炼,益寿延年 。
Movent, is the source of health, is also the secret of lonvity. Hope you exercise every day, life live.
5、愿你早日康复,没有我在你身边的日子,你要好好照顾自己!这是我最大的心愿 。
Wish you a speedy recovery, every day without by your side, you should take od care of yourself! This is biest wish.
6、快乐的微笑是保持生命健康的惟一良药,它的价值是千百万,但却不要花费一分钱 。
Happy sle is the sole dicine intain a healthy life, the value of it is llions of, but it doesn't cost a cent.
7、亲爱的,愿你早点好起来!你生病了,我很担心!但你要多休息,注意按时服药 。
Dear, wish you t better early! You are sick, I'worried about! But you want to rest re, pay attention to take dicine on ti.
8、我知道生病的滋味不好受,好好休息,注意身体啊,宝宝乖啊,我最喜欢宝宝听话了 。
I know the taste of the sick, have a od rest, pay attention to body ah, baby rl, I like the baby obedient.
Person's life there are a lot of thin can be otten, but I never et the favour of the parents! Dear and dad I wish you od health!
10、这该死的感冒,虽然疼在你身上,却痛在我心里,快快好起来吧,我要疼死拉,亲爱的,祝福你早日康复 。
The da cold, althou the pain in your body, pain in heart, t better soon, I'll pain died, dear, wish you recover at an early date.
11、我们的幸福;你的安康,就是我们的平安 。你的笑容,就是我们的愿望!朋友,真心的祝愿你早日康复!
Our happiness; Your well-beinis our peace. Your sle is our desire! Friends, sincerely wish you recover at an early date!
12、养病四不:不能默默忧愁,不能吸烟喝酒,不能剧烈运动,还不能删这条短信的祝福 。祝早日康复!
For illness four: not sorrow in silence, can't ske and drink, can't strenuous exercise, also can't the blessinof the ssa. I wish a speedy recovery!
13、今天你感冒好了吗?要多注意身体,多喝水,别忘了每天喝蛋白质粉,它对身体百利无一害 。
Your cold today? To pay re attention to the body, drink water re, don't et to drink a protein powder, every day it cadbury no harto the body.