生病的问候语怎么写?( 四 )

Illness upset, also not fresh, delicious unket indolent anin At the heart of carin friends also ok, your pain you flow. Don't be too upset, which ve the happy face life, wish recover at an early date!
33、花自飘零水自流,一封信息两种问候,一问你是否幸福快乐无忧愁,二问你健康平安可依旧 。愿你早早恢复健康,幸福一生无尽头!
Flowers frowanderinwater their, an infortion two kinds of eetin, ask you whether you are happy or not happy no sorrow, q you can still health and peace. I wish you a early recovery, happiness life is endless!
34、得知你感冒,真有些为你担心,生病的滋味不好受吧,希望你多注意休息和保养身体,多喝水,别忘了吃药 。祝你早日安康!
Know that you have a cold, it was very worried about you, the taste of the sick sorry, hope you pay re attention to rest and to intain the body, drink water re, don't et to take dicine. I wish you a speedy health!
35、健康像棵树,多晒晒阳光,它会成长,多经历些风雨,它会坚强,偶尔松土施肥,它会茁壮 。生病不用怕,用心呵护,返回健康 。
Health like a tree and t so sun, and it will ow, and experience re wind and rain, it will be stron scarification fertilization once in a while, it will thrive. Don't be afraid because of illness, caress attentively, back to health.
Sick when it doesn't tter, also stronthrou who is afraid of you, the road of life is not royal road to learnin friendship always feel bitter, wish you throu this situation, the health does not turn on the road, wish a speedy recovery!


喝药,虽然苦了点;打针,虽然疼了点;输液,虽然闷了点;可他们能带给你健康 。钱,虽然花了点;医院,也贵了点;却能让你更快的好起来!保持平常心,好好养病!
思念的云捎去我的问候,微凉的风捎去我的祝愿 。愿你所有烦恼都靠边,所有幸福都留在身边,身体早日康健,一生永平安 。
挫折是一种历练,疾病是一种考验,人生路上有辛险,顽强自我把疾病打翻,谁都会有不顺利,莫要因为疾病失去毅力,朋友,人生需要磨练,坚强挺起健康 。
药是苦的,爱是甜的!生活是美好的,我们是爱你的 。我们深信冬天来了,春天还远吗!大家的心会永远的连在一起,不让一个人掉队,你会很快康复的 。