
i just want to choose your leaders give me a display platform.with very sincere feeling of persistent hope to attend your organization's recruitment, i hope i can surprise you coming, gives me hope.i hope you give me the opportunity to hone their own.an ancient saying goes: ten years of sword, ten years of school life as a grinding proce of the sword.today finally it presents in front of you, please identify it's sharp, i believe it will not make you disappointed.self determined, one-day provinces, self-confidence has improved character; brave job, pragmatic innovation, self-confidence had been succeful.so, today i take the liberty of you volunteered, hoping to get a chance to test their own, also hope to contribute to the development of your company's modest. at the same time, i also know that now i am just the start of school, your school is my real platform.today's job, is also hoping to get a better learning environment, which can result in better jobs to repay your kindne. of course, as a fresh college students, the biggest weakne than lack of experience.but i will start everything
1from practice, i believe that to develop the hard-working youngspirit will help me as soon as poible into work, work with an open mind to ask older employees to learn and correct their shortcomings, to make up for his own shortcomings and make the greatest ability to contribute to your company's modest. finally, zhu guigong division of the busine was flourishing! i wish you good health and smooth work, and wish things through and your company and prosperity!旅游管理求职信范文旅游求职信范文(3) | 尊敬的领导:
感谢您在百忙之中,阅读我这份求职信,非常感谢您给我一次迈向成功的机遇和挑战 。
我叫xxx,是福建xxx人,xxx大学旅游文化学院旅游管理系XX年本科毕业生 。在大学的学习生活中,系统的学习了旅游管理方面的专业知识,积极参加了酒店实习,工作和正规的专业学习,使我初步具备了一名管理者的素质和职业技能 。在学习本专业课的同时,还学习了企业文化,了解到企业文化对于一个企业来说是很重要的 。在校期间我也努力学习了计算机,通过了计算机二级,对计算机的应用基本熟练 。也能够熟练的进行一些英语对话 。还努力学习了饭店职
2业经理人管理,并通过职业经理人的资格证 。
我于XX年7月在昆明xxx酒店(原xxx酒店)进行了半年期是实践工作,了解到了作为一名优秀的管理人,应该具备良好的专业素质和熟练的技能 。在酒店实习期,在餐饮部和前厅部分别学习了不同部门的专业技能,也了解到公司里的每个部门虽有不同,却是个密不可分的整体 。所以在工作中应该互相理解,为自己也为大家,和谐工作才能创造轻松愉快的工作环境,才能创利!这是我在实习期间的心得 。