云南丽江英文导游词如何写?( 二 )

Why the street has a name of “Sifang”? There are two kinds of explanation, one is that the ancient leader in Lijiang named it with a meaning of “spread his power around”, and the other is that “Sifang” in Chinese means four directions, and the street has people and goods from every area.Dayan Town is quite different from the other ancient towns in China, no town walls around it.Do you know why? That has something to do with the name of the governor of the town at the ancient time, before I tell you the reason, let’s visit the governor’s place first, later you will know why there is no wall here.


Yulong Snow Mountain is one of the most famous scenic spots in Lijiang, and it is also the sacred mountain in the heart of Naxi people. There are 13 peaks in total, which are rolling and dancing like silver dragons, hence its name. In the scenic spot, you can take a cableway directly to the mountain and enjoy the beauty of high-altitude glaciers easily, which is a highlight for many tourists to visit here.
Overview of snow mountain
Yulong Snow Mountain is famous for its danger, wonder, beauty and show. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are sub tropical, temperate, cold and other multi-level landscape level by level. Ganhaizi, at the foot of the mountain, is a vast pasture. In spring and summer, Gentiana and azalea are blooming in the meadow. From here, you can see the jade dragon peaks. Yunshanping, more than 3200 meters above sea level, is the Holy Land in the hearts of Naxi young men and women. Here is a quiet meadow, surrounded by ancient trees and vines, the environment is quiet. There are 19 modern marine glaciers under the 13 peaks of Yulong mountain. They are like a waterfall hanging under a fan in the distance. Under the sunshine, they are silvery. Tourists can take the cableway to a height of 4506 meters, and then follow the mountain plank road to watch the glacier and the main peak in a short distance.
take laws and regulations lightly
There are three Cableways in Yulong Snow Mountain, which are big cableway, yunshanping cableway and yakuping cableway. The three Cableways are located in different positions of Yulong Snow Mountain. Take the cableway up the mountain, you can watch and play Yulong Snow Mountain from different angles, most tourists will choose the cableway up the mountain. If we choose the cableway, we will not have time to play the other two cableways. We need to pay attention to the choice and arrange the playing time reasonably.
The most popular cableway in the scenic spot will transport tourists from the cableway station in Ganhaizi to the glacier park at an altitude of 4506 meters. After getting off the ropeway, you can walk along the wooden plank road laid on the glacier to the highest place with an altitude of 4680 meters, and feel the charm of snow mountain and glacier at a close distance. The price of cableway is 180 yuan. In case of strong wind, it may be stopped. Please pay attention to the official information.