云南丽江英文导游词如何写?( 三 )

Yunshanping ropeway
The cableway station is located at the foot of the snow mountain by the Baishui River. You can take the environmental protection bus in the scenic area. Take yunshanping cableway to reach yunshanping, which is 3240 meters above sea level. Its the best place to view the peaks of Yulong Snow Mountain.
Yakuping ropeway
Yakuping is a large lawn on the other side of Yulong Snow Mountain, about 15km away from yunshanping. You can enjoy the Yulong Snow Mountain from another angle when you climb the yakuping.


Today we come to the beautiful Lijiang ancient city of Yunnan. Lijiang ancient city is located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain. One of the characteristics of Lijiang ancient city is that there is no wall. Dear tourists, have you ever seen that ancient city without walls? Im afraid not. This is the biggest characteristic of Lijiang ancient city. Originally, because the leader of Lijiang ancient city was named mu, he thought that the wall around Mu was not trapped. He found the word unlucky. No walls. Some people may want to ask, if there is no fence, it may be invaded by other nationalities. What should we do if there are no precautions at that time? Dont worry about it. Lijiang ancient city is surrounded by mountains, which are very high. You can use the mountain as the biggest wall. So dont worry about alien attacks.
Now, we see two big windmills in the ancient city of Lijiang. They are called mother and son wheels. The big one is the mother, the small one is the son. How about the image? We are going forward. This square is Sifang street. Sifang street is a street with a long history. It is the only way of ancient tea horse road. Lets tell the story of the ancient tea horse road by the way. The ancient tea horse road is a road to transport salt and tea from Shangri La to Tibet. Because the road is very dangerous, the transport team is often in danger or killed by foreign people. So many people still remember them.
Further on, this octagonal pagoda building is the wooden mansion of Lijiang ancient city. Its where the leader of Lijiang lives, so people still keep it. There are many scenic spots in Old Town of Lijiang, so you must visit them carefully.


How do you do! Today we are going to visit the ancient city of Lijiang. I hope you can leave a good memory in the ancient city of Lijiang!
Dear tourists, we are walking around Lijiang ancient city. Look, we are surrounded by numerous Naxi style houses, clear stream country lane, small bridges like rainbow across the stream, and rows of weeping willows swaying in the breeze. Whats better! Lets go ahead with me and look at the ancient city on both sides. There are many kinds of goods in the shops, especially the bright copper wares, which are always praised by the tourists. OK, lets enjoy it slowly. Dont fall behind!
Tourists, do you know that Lijiang has been an important political and economic center since ancient times? The Mufu of Lijiang on Sifang street is a witness of Lijiangs history. When it comes to Mufu, it is said that Lijiangs hereditary chieftain is the surname of Mufu. If the word "Mufu" is framed, it will be trapped. Because of taboos, Mufu will not set up walls. Xu Xiake, a Chinese traveler in Ming Dynasty, once wrote in his travels to Lijiang that "the palace is beautiful, and it is intended to be the king" and "the community of private houses and the rows of tile houses" are the portraits of the prosperous landscape of Lijiangs old capital in those days.